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bought a gun turns out its broken but paypal wont help

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  • #46
    Re: bought a gun turns out its broken but paypal wont help

    Could also be even simpler than that.
    Dirty sensors on the sector gear.
    I had that before and it does some weird sh1t to a CTW.
    section 24 of the 1968 Act
    Supplying imitation firearms to minors
    1)It is an offence for a person under the age of eighteen to purchase an imitation firearm
    2)It is an offence to sell an imitation firearm to a person under the age of eighteen.


    • #47
      Re: bought a gun turns out its broken but paypal wont help

      Going by the points already made, the fact that it took you 2 weeks to raise an issue with the seller, and that you refused the offer of a repair (under the sale of goods act, he can offer you a repair, replacement or refund), and the not so great trade history you have, I'd say it was a fair guess that you just realised you couldnt afford it and the novelty has worn off.


      • #48
        Re: bought a gun turns out its broken but paypal wont help

        At no stage does the OP say he waited 2 weeks to use it or wait 2 weeks to speak to the seller or to make a paypal claim... He said if you read it correctly that he bought it 2 weeks ago!!! Why can't people read posts correctly before posting....

        Again I do agree though the option of the repair should have been accepted after it was clear that the seller was not going to give a refund. He did actually agree to a repair and most don't.

        I do think this has run its course now though as it seems that the OP probably knows what his options are (or not) and that he will either have to fix it himself, manage to get hold of the seller and hopefully he will send it back to be fixed or if what he is saying is 100% correct and has evidence to back up the post then the small claims court is an option.

        I would though try and speak to the guy again in a nice manor or maybe try and get hold off him through others in this thread as there are others that obviously know him.
        Originally posted by -=256=-Swerve

        while it still exists, it's secrets time! I secretly enjoy wearing silk lingerie. ok who's next?


        • #49
          Re: bought a gun turns out its broken but paypal wont help

          It does hint though that there was a time period between receiving the gun and actually using it.
          section 24 of the 1968 Act
          Supplying imitation firearms to minors
          1)It is an offence for a person under the age of eighteen to purchase an imitation firearm
          2)It is an offence to sell an imitation firearm to a person under the age of eighteen.


          • #50
            Re: bought a gun turns out its broken but paypal wont help

            Originally posted by 989lips View Post
            At no stage does the OP say he waited 2 weeks to use it or wait 2 weeks to speak to the seller or to make a paypal claim... He said if you read it correctly that he bought it 2 weeks ago!!! Why can't people read posts correctly before posting....
            The O/P is ambiguous, it suggests a period of time elapsed between receiving and "testing" at a site. I've asked the question TWICE in this thread, to clarify that, and have not had an answer.

            My current opinion (based on what I have read) is that the O/P is not been entirely honest and not giving the full story, things are not adding up (imo).



            • #51
              Re: bought a gun turns out its broken but paypal wont help

              the gun is being fixed simple as that. a refund is out of the question. situation resolved mods please close


              • #52
                Re: bought a gun turns out its broken but paypal wont help

                Not sure where this is heading but IMHO IF I was parting with +500 folding ones of the Queen's currency I would do the business face to face and insist on testing it before doing the deal.


                • #53
                  Re: bought a gun turns out its broken but paypal wont help

                  Originally posted by 989lips View Post
                  At no stage does the OP say he waited 2 weeks to use it or wait 2 weeks to speak to the seller or to make a paypal claim... He said if you read it correctly that he bought it 2 weeks ago!!! Why can't people read posts correctly before posting....

                  Again I do agree though the option of the repair should have been accepted after it was clear that the seller was not going to give a refund. He did actually agree to a repair and most don't.

                  I do think this has run its course now though as it seems that the OP probably knows what his options are (or not) and that he will either have to fix it himself, manage to get hold of the seller and hopefully he will send it back to be fixed or if what he is saying is 100% correct and has evidence to back up the post then the small claims court is an option.

                  I would though try and speak to the guy again in a nice manor or maybe try and get hold off him through others in this thread as there are others that obviously know him.
                  If there was no delay then under distance selling regs he has 14 days I believe and IS fully entitled to a refund.

                  However I could be wrong.
                  Gun tech.

                  AIRSOFTERS.........Load of Balls.!



                  • #54
                    Re: bought a gun turns out its broken but paypal wont help

                    Originally posted by midas View Post
                    However I could be wrong.
                    You are wrong

                    AMY WINEHOUSE R.I.P

                    G&P Silver M14 EBR Cheap


                    • #55
                      Re: bought a gun turns out its broken but paypal wont help

                      Originally posted by chris wheeler View Post
                      the gun is being fixed simple as that. a refund is out of the question. situation resolved mods please close


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                      chris wheeler Find out more about chris wheeler