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HFC Dark Hawk (Glock 17) spring query.

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  • HFC Dark Hawk (Glock 17) spring query.

    I have a HFC Dark Hawk. It currently has, what seems like, a flimsy spring guide installed as standard. I'm looking to change the spring guide out for a steel spring guide. I have been looking at the guarder steel spring guide ( How ever, the problem i am faced with is the Dark Hawk spring comes with this little extra guide at the back of it. (from what I've seen the KJW version of the Glock 17 comes with this part also, so anyone with a KJW that's upgraded their spring could also be of help.) 10716071_662957113812023_690193242_n.jpg

    The Guarder Steel spring guide does not have the part on the back of it. So my question is this. Will the Guarder spring work in the HFC Dark Hawk, even though it is missing the extra piece of plastic on the back?

    If anyone could help that would be great.

    Thanks for your time reading this.


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h3nd0dfc Heyy, just a typical 20 year old.have a son, his name is tyler, he ws born on the 9th of march 2010, and i love him! Find out more about h3nd0dfc