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funniest airsoft moments!

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  • REMSoft
    Re: funniest airsoft moments!

    EBZ Northfleet:
    Marshal inspecting a smoke grenade's fuse in the safe zone, drops it back into the box, landing fuse first onto the striker of another smoke. Whole safe zone (indoor) was smoked out, everyone ran outside to see smoke pouring from the roof. One guy says "Well that shows good build quality" and we all continue laughing as it clears...

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  • ElCarl
    Re: funniest airsoft moments!

    Originally posted by A10JONNO View Post
    was having a shot gun pistol game today and shot some one down barrel of the gun. whcih stopped teh main threat to our team for a couple of minutes.
    Errrr...... What?

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  • tubzza
    Re: funniest airsoft moments!

    The last guy in a game of attack and defend was hiding as the last defender. We are all looking for him he pops up next to and flinch. In the process of doing so I hit him in the cheek.

    One of my not so great moments!

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  • A10JONNO
    Re: funniest airsoft moments!

    was having a shot gun pistol game today and shot some one down barrel of the gun. whcih stopped teh main threat to our team for a couple of minutes.

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  • Kensai
    Re: funniest airsoft moments!

    Me and two other guys were assaulting a base up hill at Honley Huddersfield. We managed to get right close to them without being spotted. Suddenly one of the guys sees a sentry and turns back quickly, only to fall over me as I was knelt down just a little behind him and all there of his went tumbling down the hill and I almost lost a G3 magazine.

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  • A10JONNO
    Re: funniest airsoft moments!

    Me and my team where playing a capture the base game were we had to have at least 4 people in it alive to only to discover we all had our safety on. Still 23 second good quick victory could of ended badly though.

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  • Dwarfy
    Re: funniest airsoft moments!

    I was playing at pheonix airsoft in mansfield and it was pretty much the last game of the game, medic game.

    Anyway i put my had up to be a medic and proceeded to strap my SCAR to my back as i would not be using it that much.
    Anyway a couple of lads got hit so i ran to the them and as i dived through the door was shot multiple times on the leg lol

    ended up in heap on the floor shouting for a medic lol, I then spent the next 5 mins talking to one of the guys about the SCAR while we waited for a medic lol :p

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  • Hawke
    Re: funniest airsoft moments!

    It's a slack day at work, so I've read through this entire thread. All that's missing is

    "This one time, at band camp"

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  • rambete
    Re: funniest airsoft moments!

    Once I had to cross into the village and because it was cold i slipped on the ice and fell face first into freezing water.

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  • Deathwi
    Re: funniest airsoft moments!

    One question why didn't you use a spork instead?

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  • Rimms
    Re: funniest airsoft moments!

    Before a game a couple of weeks i was making coffee in my mates kitchen when my mate jokingly said how funny it would be to get a kill with the spoon i was using so i decided to give it a try

    First kill i got was round a corner on some stairs - i knew at least one guy was there so i thought id go for it and dived round the corner and spooned the guy in the shin before getting shot

    Second kill was one of my best - took the long way round the other team taking out some with the shotgun before coming upstairs. Thankfully it was clear and i pushed on into another room to find a guy covering a door way with his back to me. I pulled out the spoon and quietly slipped up behind him before tapping him on the head whilst saying spoon kill.
    The guy turned round looking confused and i said 'your dead'. He looked at me and asked i was kidding before the laughing marshal telling him to go respawn

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  • x-ray
    Re: funniest airsoft moments!

    I was once at a cqb site, about 3 months ago and the scenario was that me and another 2 team members were escaping from "prison" the other team of 14 people were scattered around the site (so we thought) so as me and the other 2 on my team are going round a corner we hear someone sneeze! we all stopped and then it happened again, so we set our torches to strobe got our full auto machine pistols counted down from 3 then ambushed what we thought were maybe 2 people.... the entire team was there thinking we were on the other side:D one of the guys on their team was so startled by the stobe he jumped back about 3 feet and after that for about 2-3 seconds all you could hear was us and our glocks emptying our mags on them to then find out we just took out the entire team.... i was in stiches as just one guy sneezeing gave all of them away

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  • Seraphim2150
    Re: funniest airsoft moments!

    Game on Sunday
    Just seen my mate get taken out by a guy who didn't take his hits. I decide to use the rubber knife and run to the other side of the wall from him. I get into a discussion with another team mate trying to work out if we should flashbang him. This takes us about two minutes and only ends when the target pops round the corner and lights us up.


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  • MADMAN983
    Re: funniest airsoft moments!

    what bits are you missing from that? nothing to inportant i hope

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  • Slumzy
    Re: funniest airsoft moments!

    Most funniest airsoft moment... Probably when I went to strike a thermo, chose not too put the grenade into my pocket then the strike cap into my other pocket. BOOM- I blew up.... All I saw was a huge purple flame....

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