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Please engage your Brain

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  • Boo-Sabum Ben
    Re: Please engage your Brain

    Gaffa, no you didn't post "use the bloody search function" in a thread. Instead, you created a whole new thread for people to post them in, which, as far as I'm concerned, is just if not more of a waste of time than posting it in reply to a thread.

    These questions will always be asked, wherever you go. And the only way to counter it, is to reply to the questions and knock em down one by one.

    That way, the new users might be more inclined to stay on here, and then in the end they will answer those questions for you. Again and again.

    This place is supposed to be a place of support and discussion. Lets try and keep it that way, instead of turning new users away because we don't like the question.

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  • narrowboat
    Re: Please engage your Brain

    why not have a list of questions you are ALOUD to ask and a list that are banned.all forums are the same ,you get stupid questions but not stupid to the person asking well sometimes,then you say ask the right question or search for the right answer but if you dont know the tech terms it can be hard to ask or find what you are looking for,so you ask and hope there is a good guy to answer your question however stupid we might think it is,airsoft is meant to be fun

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  • tisane
    Fair enough if your going to put a link to a useful google search or a link to the most useful "bestest M4" thread, dont get me wrong gaffa i wasnt suggesting it was yourself that was a "bloody search" poster but ive seen that exact phrase twice tonight surely its easier to type nothing?

    Theres a thread asking what we think is the better out of the two (Classic Army or ICS MP5) as long term airsofters some one out there has probably owned both of those at some point and could give some useful advice to that poor guy who is probably just starting out in this passtime, but instead hes told to "search"!! Why couldnt that poster put a link to the part of the forum with the best comparison of the 2??

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  • JOE90
    Re: Please engage your Brain

    Originally posted by tisane View Post
    So asking people in the know instead of looking at random google results is not allowed on the forum anymore?
    Yes it is a little anoying seeing the same "whats the best M4 thread" day in day out, but its also anoying seeing those immortal words "do a search"
    I believe its been said before "if you dont like whats in the thread dont comment at all"

    Bloody spot on, thought the same thing all the way through reading the OP. But also can relate to the asking of questions like whats the best m4, with no details whatsoever.

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  • Abbadon101
    Re: Please engage your Brain

    He didn't post anything, but that doesn't stop him being pissed off by the fact the same god damned questions get asked again and again "what am bestest M4/AK/Pistol/this that and the other". If people even bothered to think that some one may well have asked EXACTLY the same question before, and maybe they might be able to find the answer on their own then they might well save themselves the embarrassment of having a thread form yesterday linked to them.

    And also notice how they always say things like "what is a good M4?" no suggestion of what they are looking for other than a M4. You could suggest anything form a patriot to a M16 with that pretty much.

    I understand exactly where Gaffa is comming from, how ever if some one were to ask "which would be better for a first gun a G&P M4A1 or a TM Sopmod?" Then that is a reasonable question some one has put though into asking. Its not just a carbon copy of what is probably the most asked question on airsoft forums the world wide.

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  • Gaffa
    Re: Please engage your Brain

    As the originally poster and thread opener, I will admit I've not actually posted "use the search function" in a reply to anyone's posts.

    I have, admittingly, stated "did you use the search function? Here's what I found..." , but then I'm not the only one, and surely that is more helpful for people?

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  • tisane
    My only point realy is if you dont like whats being asked in the thread why post anything at all?
    Leave it for someone else to write something constructive.

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  • Gaffa
    Re: Please engage your Brain


    Tisane, I don't understand your argument.

    If there wasn't a search function on the forum, and if there wasn't such a thing as a Search engine, I'd agree.

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  • tisane
    Ok why not delete the new players advice section altogether then?

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  • Icebass
    Re: Please engage your Brain

    Originally posted by Gaffa View Post
    Believe it or not, Icebass, searching with Google will often pull results from other airsoft forums and sites, meaning that their post would be obsolete, considering they've just found the answer.
    This is true, most of the info I find is from 2 other airsoft forums, I guess it's all down to the way things are these days, people are used to being spoonfed and just expect it everywhere now, some of the students I work with have no common sence and have no motivation to find / do things for themselves.

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  • Ghost MacRoth
    Re: Please engage your Brain

    Originally posted by Gaffa View Post
    Did you perhaps type with your brain?

    (If so let me into the secret!)

    J/K, but lets keep serious!
    Sorry, I'll stop now!!

    But yep, I'm with you all, google and/or search forums BEFORE asking anything. Even if you don't get a full answer, you will at least get more info to refine your question, or discount options you thought may be valid.

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  • tisane
    I wonder how many newbies join our great forum everyday and who just want advice from people in the know?
    Then to see "bloody search" how off putting must that be?
    No matter how offen i see those "stupid" threads started im happy to try and help or give my opinion if i can, or if i cant just leave it well alone.

    Is it realy that hard to resist the urge to put "search" in some poor noobs thread.

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  • KaRcop
    Originally posted by Ghost MacRoth View Post
    Lol, thanks guys, now, could you give me the address of my keyboard??

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  • Gaffa
    Re: Please engage your Brain

    Did you perhaps type with your brain?

    (If so let me into the secret!)

    J/K, but lets keep serious!

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  • Ghost MacRoth
    Re: Please engage your Brain

    Lol, thanks guys, now, could you give me the address of my keyboard??

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About the Author


Gaffa Nicknamed "Gaffa" because I can be bossy, but get the job done! I'm built for comfort, not speed... Find out more about Gaffa