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when things get out of hand

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  • ollie2435
    Re: when things get out of hand

    Look....Lets just conclude this now otherwise we will have pages and pages of the same thing......

    Here's a nice steady thread...

    Then it gets a bit out of hand and Jumbly

    So what we need to sort it all out is this....


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  • Double 0 Jedi
    Re: when things get out of hand

    It’s not the “What am bestest M4 ?” threads that are the problem, it when people don’t think about what they post. The thread that Heroshark is talking about is one that didn’t stay on topic and the majority of it was deriding a 15yr old for posting about an idea he had come up with for a piece of protective headgear. Now if the idea was a good one or not is irrelevant to this discussion, but one or two users started to take the pee and carried that on between them selves. Nothing wrong with that, it is how they said, “Banter” but what they didn’t see was the effect that it had on the op of the thread, twice he stated his displeasure at the direction the thread had taken, and even asked for a mod to delete it, clearly he didn’t see it as just banter. Sometimes a comment made verbally will not sound anywhere near as harsh as it is read or intended when written, but the written word is interpreted by the reader and not the writer. So what may be banter to the poster may feel like an attack to the reader. That’s not really something you can moderate other than thinking about what you, yourself, post. Also, it has to be said, this forum has a tremendous amount of Imrightandyouarewrong syndrome about it. Make an error or post something silly and even long standing respected members will jump on it and troll the crap out of the thread. Some can’t resist it even in a thread like this about the forum all you have to do is say something like. I think two tones are great or under 18’s make better players and they can’t leave it alone. ( That last bit was sarcasm.)

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  • heroshark
    Re: when things get out of hand

    Originally posted by Boo-Sabum Ben View Post
    I was hoping for a video of a mid game punch up!
    sorry to dissapoint ,I'll see what I can do this Sunday

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  • Sam-Beta
    Re: when things get out of hand

    Instead of having a selection of mods trying to run everything why not have 3 mods per section. It seems to work on other forums that are a lot bigger than this one. And I'm sure there are enough responsible users here that could moderate if they have time?

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  • Stickybomb
    Re: when things get out of hand

    The mods here have lives (well i assume they do... they are probably playing skyrim.) so they can't be here 24/7 and for the amount of people using this site i don't think we have enough of them to do anything about these things. There seem to be about 3 or 4 mods who are going through these threads trying to sort things out but thats hardly enough when you have "what am bestest" threads popping up all the time that need to be deleted or told to use search then locked.

    /end hastily written post

    TL;DR - We need more mods.

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  • CraigW-H
    Re: when things get out of hand

    Because that thread will contain the answer and i personally get bored of spoon feeding and i just turned 18 in june and i already dislike those younger people who cant be bothered to go a searching for them selves whereas if it was to use a Q i asked on another forum a few days ago "Hi i just wanted to know if someone can let me know the name of the EoTech that uses CR123A batt's for a Custom build? Cheers" and i got an answer thread done and dusted but if you ask for a link im gonna show you the pointy end of this stick in an unfriendly manner

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  • Sam-Beta
    Re: when things get out of hand

    I've been on many forums and modded on a few myself, but in all honesty the moderation here is less preemptive action and rather post action. Things could be sorted by mods just posting in threads and telling people to cool it and issuing warnings for flaming. Locking a thread is counter productive and doesn't stop the offenders. In other cases there's been some harsh moderation for little offenses such as joking in threads. It's a no brainer.

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  • cool-breeze87
    Re: when things get out of hand

    The thing that really annoys me is people always say "Use the search function" and if they do use the search function and post in a year old thread you get all the smart assed replies like "Holy necro post Batman." People can't win, they're either not using the search function and annoying people or they are using it and getting some really dick-ish replies.

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  • Boo-Sabum Ben
    Re: when things get out of hand

    I was hoping for a video of a mid game punch up!

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  • heroshark
    Re: when things get out of hand

    I'm not on about the usual daft "whats the best type of ------ ?" threads or " can you link me to good sites for xyz?" which always go the same way ,and do kind of self regulate. The thread that kicked off my queries was up for about 2 days without intervention . 95% of it was focused on winding up 2 users all be it hilarious wasn't that useful, and kind of went a bit too far .Although saying that there was an apologie to one of the targets within the thread. Now I know the mods are busy but you can't say a single mod didn't notice it in 2 days, unless they all found it a lark too so didn't want to intervene

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  • Aitch
    Re: when things get out of hand

    Mods can't be around all the time, but sometimes you see them reading, it is sad, most folk use here for sales now, but since they made the sales forums so f-in awkward that's dying too

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  • ollie2435
    Re: when things get out of hand

    I do think, and its not a problem in anyway, that there are a reasonable amount of younger people on the forum...some of which may ask questions before looking in the appropriate section...or failing that and making it even easier....using the search function...So where we see another "Which M4 is betterest"...the long term users on here can get a little frustrated...not because its not a valid question but because of the the fact that its already been asked a hundred times and there is already an answer sitting in a section somewhere and whoever has asked it hasn't taken the time to look it up...I mean its not difficult is it....Its not as if this is a difficult forum to 'navigate' and there are lots of pointers to help you get on the right track.
    Sure its not all the MODS fault.....certain people can...add fuel to the fire but surely if you take on the role as a MOD...and I know its not a full-time paid job etc but you have the reasonability to be looking out for these things and to attempt to stop at the source...maybe resolve the thread yourself and have a quick clean. but for threads to disappear into the black hole of the net...makes people..who have spent time contributing to the thread in a positive way.....feel a bit naffed off and as a result they may not feel so happy to post again as they are trying, like the guys from 'bobs' knife enthusiasts forum, to be friendly and help someone and then it seems to get wasted because a few people get fed up with these kind of posts understandably, and start having a go...also understandably BECAUSE there are lots threads out there that will more then likely answer their question its just they haven't bothered to look. SO to put it simply.....New users....LOOK before posting and clogging things up with pointless threads......'US LOT' try to be a little more tolerant and maybe post a friendly message pointing them in the right direction..and more vigilante for these things...Because...CHANGE WE CAN....But not quite yet.

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  • Hawk
    Re: when things get out of hand

    Makes you think twice about posting usefull info on a thread.
    So in the long run, you're just in a lot of doubts weather to post or not because you think you're wasting your time.
    But mabey if they were a little bit more tolorant in some things, and craked down in other things, it would be a better place!
    Also, as many of you have stated before, zero one are scared of the competion. I know how bussiness' work (my dad owns a butchers in spain), and a bit of competion is good. It normaly helps a bussiness' to see where they are going wrong and 9/10 times they listen aswell.

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  • bob86
    Re: when things get out of hand

    i get what you mean, ive been on forums for years, even been a mod myself, and this can be very hostile at times, someone says something stupid, straight away there are comments of 'tw*t' 'idiot' etc (u get the idea) on a lot of places they will actually phrase it in a more friendly way... i'm on a knife enthusiasts forum, and it is so friendly there, there are competitions and free gifts, ppl actually help each other. there are a few meets, and some do know each other IRL, but i think ppl on here prob know far more other there, yet it gets like this.
    i dont know, maybe its because the ppl on here are on the whole a lot younger maybe? i still come here as there is a lot of good info and im learning lots, but it can get quite hostile, very quickly. but i think its down to users, not the mods, yes maybe they could tackle it differently, but if there was less flaming and trolling, they would have more time to go thru things, and not just think... 'here we go again' which probably leads to the deleting

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  • heroshark
    started a topic when things get out of hand

    when things get out of hand

    Right is it me or do the threads that seem to get a bit too flamey tend to get left to go further out of hand then get deleted. On alot of other forums a mod would come before it went too far to say look guys hold back, and that would sort it. Does that ever happen on here , or have I just missed it. Its just a little frustrating when the users trying to help have wasted their time answering when the threads get deleted.

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