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  • Ikazuchi


    Current phase of my Ikazuchi project. I was donated the JG StarDragon by a friend who had used it for cosplay. He actually thought it was the Poseidon original, but a quick glance showed it didn't have actual holes in the front and was the JG clone. The JG M4 inside it had broken, gear box shreaded/imploded (probably due to the 120% spring) and had damage to the trigger guard.

    So far I've managed to remove the terrible paint job done to it by my friend and the underlaying JG crepe car dashboard rubber spray and silver paint, and give it a base coat of krylon fusion matt black (which has gone abit shiny in places from friction of use)

    I inserted a TM High Cycle M4 in the place of the terrible JG. This required re-wiring the battery from solid stock to front, replacing the solid stock with sliding tube one, removing the RIS handguard and replacing the outer barrel with the one from the JG

    Next steps are;

    - Skirmish it more and see how it handles, feels good so far.

    - Finishing installing a laser in the front section, just need to make some better internal mounting for it as having issues with the AEG battery pressing against it and knocking out of alignment.

    - Building in a small torch into the bottom of the front handguard. I only need a very weak thin one capable of lighting the floor beneath my feet (so don't fall down the stairs in The Mall)

    - Adding side rail on a flat panel

    - Possibly building in the PEQ box from xcotech x3300w, if i can persuade a friend with decent electronic abilities to change the LED screen in it from a direct mount into the main board to a wired one. May just stick it on a side-rail.

    - Might buy a better looking scope for it, but not too bothered as dont really use them.

    - Might change the inner barrel to a shorter 20cm one like in the JG to prevent having to use the barel extension to use a tracer unit.

    - Give it final paint-job, much more detail and some panels in a gun-metal-ish dark grey.
    the horror... the horror... (of the amount spent on airsoft)

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Colonel Kurtz Find out more about Colonel Kurtz