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Help would be much appreciated

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  • Help would be much appreciated

    Picture a two tone tm chrome desert eagle where the slider is painted with a weak solvent based green. The slider is made of abs plastic, with a layer of chrome over the top. What I need to know is how to remove this paint from the slider without damaging the chrome underneath it. I would really appreciate any response!

  • #2
    Re: Help would be much appreciated

    Do you have a suitable defense?

    "The only easy day was yesterday"

    Originally posted by woody549
    Guns + Booze + Friends + Fun = Winning


    • #3
      Re: Help would be much appreciated

      I didn't ask for your opinions on the gun


      • #4
        He's telling you basically if you just brought it and had it two toned to facilitate the purchase, and now you want to remove said two tone paintjob before gaining some form of defence against VCRA then you are probably in for a world of s*it posting that on here.

        If you do have a defence however, your going to be lucky to remove the paint without damaging the chrome underneath, fairy power spray probably your best bet.

        Good luck


        • #5
          Re: Help would be much appreciated

          he is simply asking what defence you have, as if you dont have one anybody giving advice would potentialy be assisiting in an iligal activity.

          if you have a defence then im sure the cuminity would be more than happy to assist.
          For Sale!
          TM M870 with a load of stuff
          A&K massada sniper spec
          leaving airsoft so everything must go


          • #6
            Re: Help would be much appreciated

            Yep, same as the above. It's not our "opinion on the gun", it's the law. If you do not have a suitable defense, then removing the two-tone paint is "Manufacturing a Real Imitation Firearm", which is highly illegal. Seeing as you did not answer the question that was posed to you, I assume you do not have a valid defense. Therefore my advise is to leave it two toned, play your three games, apply for UKARA, and then remove the paint LEGALLY.

            The Proud Owner Of A New G&P US Navy MK23 LMG (Stoner 63)!


            • #7
              Re: Help would be much appreciated

              Are you a registered skirmisher or have UKARA / a site membership?

              If not f##k off, simple as that, don't need people asking questions like this without a defence.

              If you do then a very light paint thinner, but used in minute doses the remove the top finish, scraping may lead to doing it too much and damaging the guns chrome finish. Pretty obvious but still.

              68 Pistols and counting in over 8 years of airsoft.
              Got a spare 10mins or are bored? Check out my film reviews:


              • #8
                Re: Help would be much appreciated

                I apologize for taking that the wrong way. I didn't read it how you meant it so sorry. And thanks for the advice everyone, I have an onsite membership to use black guns, just not to buy them.


                • #9
                  Re: Help would be much appreciated

                  Then buying them would fall under manufacturing them, so no you can't do it. Plus you don't need a defence to own them, just to purchase them.

                  Unless of course you are not over 18, in which case you must have had your gun gifted to you.

                  68 Pistols and counting in over 8 years of airsoft.
                  Got a spare 10mins or are bored? Check out my film reviews:


                  • #10
                    Re: Help would be much appreciated

                    Ok thanks that's all I need to know. I'm still trying to learn all these confusing laws and rules so I didn't mean to offend anyone


                    • #11
                      Re: Help would be much appreciated

                      No membership required to use a RIF , anyone (with adult supervision for under 18s) can use a RIF, only need to have a defence to buy.
                      As for removing the 2tone, no can do, no defence no removing 2tone.
                      section 24 of the 1968 Act
                      Supplying imitation firearms to minors
                      1)It is an offence for a person under the age of eighteen to purchase an imitation firearm
                      2)It is an offence to sell an imitation firearm to a person under the age of eighteen.


                      • #12
                        Re: Help would be much appreciated

                        Ok thanks, I'm 17 so I'm just under the age to get the adult licence. I was told that I could get a "junior license" by doing the 3 game process and then I would be allowed to use a RIF and remove two tone. Is that right? because I'm beginning to doubt that now :S


                        • #13
                          The Junior defence/membership thing has been brought up before and I'm sure it doesn't actually exist.


                          • #14
                            Re: Help would be much appreciated

                            So to stay completely legal, I need to wait till I'm 18 and get a membership and then I can take of the two tone paint? Is there no way around that at all? By the way I was told of the junior membership by a very knowledgeable marshal, so I would think he was right.


                            • #15
                              Re: Help would be much appreciated

                              Xsite was it? This was debated a while back regarding whether you had to be 18 to as well as a regular skirmisher as Xsite mentioned junior membership on their website. I'm fairly sure the conclusion was probably as most were sceptical and some straight out angry.
                              Originally posted by Lt. Macka
                              big black shapes draw the eye.


                              About the Author


                              beema149 Find out more about beema149