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Import Duties/Tax Charges

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  • Import Duties/Tax Charges


    I'm not certain if this is the appropriate location for this thread but I wasn't sure where else it could go.

    I was hoping to ask some of you who have previously had experience with purchasing and importing your airsoft guns into the UK some questions regarding the potential additional tax charges etc.

    My brother is after a gun that appears to be out of stock everywhere I look and, as an alternative, I was considering purchasing the gun directly from the manufacturer. They've advised that I can purchase the product directly from them but that there are a few things I should consider.

    1. They will not provide any warranty for the product.
    2. My orders may be subject to import duties and/or taxes and any charges for custom clearance. All of the charges must be paid by me.

    Now, the first point straight away is incredibly disappointing because the last thing I want is to purchase a product that could arrive not working and I'd expect them to replace the product if that was the case. But, I fear they may hide behind their prementioned no warranty stance.

    However, I consider the second point to be the largest threat. I don't want to purchase the product and then find I have to spend, potentially, hundreds of pounds on additional taxes and custom charges.

    Has anyone here ever had any experience with this? What sort of charges were you forced to pay? Is there anything else I should consider before ordering the product?

    Many thanks, in advance!

  • #2
    Re: Import Duties/Tax Charges

    Unless it's ludicrously expensive, the charges will be in tens of pounds, not hundreds.

    Last I checked, a general guide is that the final cost in pounds will be roughly what the gun cost in dollars.


    • #3
      Re: Import Duties/Tax Charges

      Have you phoned ZeroOne about it? They may be able to get you the gun even if they don't stock it or are out of stock.

      What gun is it anyway?
      Coventry University Airsoft Society - "Rock Up Late, Fuck Shit Up, Go Home"


      • #4
        Re: Import Duties/Tax Charges

        Thanks for your responses!

        It's the ARES G36C. I've emailed Zero One multiple times. When I first contacted them about it three weeks ago they suggested that it should be on the next delivery. I contacted them again just the other day to confirm if they had heard anything and they advised that it hadn't arrived on the delivery, despite them expecting it, and that they would again be expecting it on the next delivery. That could be another 3-4 weeks. That's okay, but I'm eager to have it sooner.

        I haven't asked if they can order it in specially for me, yet.


        • #5
          Re: Import Duties/Tax Charges

          Taxes are nothing too prohibitive, make sure your contact details/ukara are on the package so that customs can check/contact you
          Shadow Stalkers Airsoft Team


          • #6
            Re: Import Duties/Tax Charges

            When ordering a RIF from overseas your UKARA membership must be in 100% accurate shape... Over the past few days I have had problems with my recent orders from a place in asia (not the retailers fault) customs seized the package and after a week of phone calls have finally had my gear released :D , all the problem was that my sites insurance hadnt renewed properly and needed to be re entered on the ukara database... once customs get hold of your stuff they are very thorough before the items finally get released. apart from that courier your RIF's and you should get it into the country in less then 3 days :D


            • #7
              Re: Import Duties/Tax Charges

              If you've got excel or the OpenOffice equivalent (which is entirely free to acquire if you don't) then you can use this little calculator I made a while back to figure out your import charges:


              It won't be dead on to the penny, but it's accurate to within a couple of quid.
              REMF Tacticool - Facebook, YouTube & Instagram


              • #8
                Re: Import Duties/Tax Charges

                I was literally all over this today - talking to FedEx (really, really helpful!) and HMRC. On imports - duty is 3.2%, and VAT at 20%, on the total cost (which includes shipping!) There will almost always be an extra charge if they actually open something to check.


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                deldalton Find out more about deldalton