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Am i safe to use CO2 in my WE Scar?

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  • Am i safe to use CO2 in my WE Scar?

    Got a new WE Scar shipped to me a month or so ago, so hopefully whatever the most recent iteration of it. I have been offered CO2 mags for it for a pretty good deal, so i'm tempted to make the switch. Do the WE Scars still love to destroy themselves with CO2, or should i be okay in cold Britain?


  • #2
    It's not really a good idea even on the newest of WE SCAR.

    They are renown for breaking the hinge plate, then you replace that for an alloy item and it tears apart part #27 I believe it is, that the hinge plate attaches to, and that part isn't available as an upgrade part to my knowledge.

    Through the Winter you "should" be ok, but the risk is yours, the hinge plate will always be the 1st thing to go anyway so give it a go, you can always replace the hinge plate and downgrade to Propane after.


    • #3
      Re: Am i safe to use CO2 in my WE Scar?

      Thanks for the response. Is this RA-Tech one sufficient, should it break?


      • #4
        Re: Am i safe to use CO2 in my WE Scar?

        RA-TECH are brilliant, you may want to pick up an NPAS from them too
        Originally posted by Lt. Macka
        big black shapes draw the eye.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Krydel View Post
          Thanks for the response. Is this RA-Tech one sufficient, should it break?

          I stand corrected.

          Yes that is the part, grab one of those and a TSC hinge plate and it should be good for all year round usage.

          And yes an NPAS is a must.


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          Krydel Find out more about Krydel