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New to Airsoft...I know nothing :(

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  • New to Airsoft...I know nothing :(

    Hi all

    Been into paintball for the past 18 months and think that 2013 will be the year that I give Airsoft a proper go :D

    Wondered if anyone could help with a kind of Airsoft 101 for me. Have read about the 3 game in 2 month part, and have Apocolypse Airsoft quite close to me, so thats the venue sorted.

    And I think I understand that Airsoft guns have three different types of power sources.

    But is there any really basic noobie info that I will need to know?

    Many Thanks all

  • #2


    As you say you might want to skirmish three times, but site membership, get ukara and then buy your RIF (gun), as then it won't have to be two tone!

    Not much to tell tbh mate, just go try it out, then buy the weapon you like the look of..
    Recoils: TM MK18 / TM Recce / TM G36K / TM AK102
    Rifles: G&P LMT MRP
    Shotguns: TM M870 / TM M3 / G&P Sheriff 870 / Madbul AGX Tan
    Pistols: TM; Sig P226, Hi Capa Extreme x2, 1911 MEU / KWA; USP.45, M226, Glock 26, USP-c x2 / KJW 1911


    • #3
      Re: New to Airsoft...I know nothing

      Well if you're not 100% certain on getting into airsoft you could always rent guns out on site, Most sites rent out weapons for around £15-£20 for the day. If you enjoy it a few times then Just save up to get a starter weapon i.e Combat Machines by G&G which are a decent quality and cheap weapon especially for a beginner . Then get some Camo and you are ready to go. With the UKARA stuff then Might help.


      • #4
        Re: New to Airsoft...I know nothing

        Basically as above. I'd always say rent the 3 months as it gives you time to really get a feel for what your first loadout will want to be. Too many of the guys I know hated their first gun because they rushed the decision. Also when you are deciding, factor into your budget things like extra mags and a charger.

        My own personal bugbear with new players is when they go weird and wonderful with their gun and then have a nightmare the first time it needs maintenance or spares. There is a reason you see so many M4 variants out there.

        Also, don't get a bolt action as your first beast... just... don't. The 12 year olds have that market sewn up.

        As you've done paintball, you probably know, but apart from your AEG, the most important gear for a good day are gloves and eyepro you can get on with.


        • #5
          Re: New to Airsoft...I know nothing

          Airsoft is nothing more than grown people playing with top of the range toy guns no matter what you cut it.

          It has enough room within the sport to cater for all kinks from loving real steel parts to doing paint jobs on the guns and everything in between.

          So long as you play fair, call your hits and are a gentleman throughout the day, there is no right or wrong kink for playing. For me, i like the quality of a "kill" either through skill, audacity or shear luck. Others prefer quantity, others prefer full auto, others prefer sniping..... it goes on and you will find your own comfort zone pretty quickly.

          FACE PROTECTION should be priority number one. You can still take out enemy with lower spec guns, but lower spec face protection will see you in hospital or permanently blind (no different to paintball i would imagine)

          There is no obvious hit mark like with paintball, it is a game of honour and trust.

          Renting is a good idea as you will be able to experiment with styles of play to see which suits you before you need to think about buying any kit.


          • #6
            Re: New to Airsoft...I know nothing

            Good boots! Wet feet and a sprained ankle can easily ruin a day for you. Also some site do not allow trainers on sites.
            Zeroin - Come for the airsoft. Stay for the trolling.


            • #7
              Re: New to Airsoft...I know nothing

              You can spend £200 on a complete very basic setup and have a great day, and you can spend £2,000 plus on weapons, gear and kit and still have a good day! Dont worry about your AEG (its the best choice for a new player, easiest to look after and the most versatile over a gas blow back rifle/spring sniper/shotgun etc) right off the bat, go to the site your going to and rent guns first. If you ask some of the regulars there if you can have a look at their stuff as your new and looking to get into it a good 95% of people will say "Yeah sure!"

              This way, you get to hold and see what you like the feel of in terms of weapons, ie, M4, G36, MP5, Masada etc. Players can also give you their experiences on what guns are like to live with and what they recommend, reading reviews online is great and I do encourage you to go to YouTube and other review sites, but these reviews tend to be on the gun out of the box, and NOT what they are like in the long term. So ask around, people will be more than wiling to help you out.

              Build your kit up slowly, if indeed you decide you do want to play more. The very basics for a game day are a weapon, some spare magazines, battery, charger, BBs, face protection and clothes. Everything else is secondary, so don't worry if you see somebody coming to play with enough gear on them to run a small war on their own!

              The only two things I would say that it is worth spending a bit on is eye protection and good boots. Many sites will have bots of rough terrain, and falling and doing your ankle in is a great way to put you off. Plus its no fun! Eye protection is essential, unlike paintball full face isn't mandatory (at most sites), but it is advised (especially if your playing CQB)

              Currently rocking: Tokyo Marui 416D Recoil Shock and a Tokyo Marui HK45 w/SureFire X300


              • #8
                Re: New to Airsoft...I know nothing

                Apologies for not responding to any replies...thought Id set up email alerts to replies...alas seems something didn't quite work.

                Many thanks for all the info above, will give them all a proper read when get back in from joyful xmas food shopping

                Cheers all


                • #9
                  Re: New to Airsoft...I know nothing

                  Originally posted by mattJT View Post
                  Apologies for not responding to any replies...thought Id set up email alerts to replies...alas seems something didn't quite work.

                  Many thanks for all the info above, will give them all a proper read when get back in from joyful xmas food shopping

                  Cheers all

                  Just up the road from you in Gravesend matey, you got the Sandpit closer to you next to bluewater, thats a great site too !!!! Weapon,batteries,mags,bb's and face protection are a must, camo is up to you and you will end up with lots of it !!!!!

                  Ask about joining the UNIT


                  • #10
                    Re: New to Airsoft...I know nothing

                    As no one has answered it that I can see, you can get the follow:

                    AEG - Automatic electric gun
                    Your basic and most used variant. Uses batteries to power a motor and therefore a gearbox

                    Pros - Fairly cheap, lots of upgrade parts available, high capacity magazines (if you want to use them), require less maintenance than gas.
                    Cons - limited realism, may need several batteries to last you the day, can be difficult to fix if you're not great with tools.

                    Gas - come in blowback and non-blowback forms
                    Uses gas filled magazines to propel the BBs. Pistols are normally gas.

                    Pros - Good realism (and therefore fun!)
                    Cons - Increased maintenance, low capacity magazines (means you need more), more expensive than AEGs

                    Spring powered
                    Uses a bolt to compress a spring powered piston. Normally used for sniper rifles though others are available though usually not very good in a skirmish.

                    Pros - Cheaper than AEGs, easiest to maintain, do not require batteries or gas
                    Cons - Sniper rifles require patience and are not ideal for beginners, Spring guns cannot go toe to toe with others (unless you're good, snipers normally need a secondary)

                    Anyone think of anymore chime in :P
                    Upcoming Games:

                    Armoury: G&G GR15 Raider-L, KJW P226, Cybergun M3, TM MP5 (x2)
                    Gear: British MTP, Warrior Assault Systems RICAS, Magnum Elite II Boots


                    • #11
                      Re: New to Airsoft...I know nothing

                      Finally had a chance to catch up on all the posts.

                      Interestingly same kind of advice I had when started getting yourself along to some rental days. This time round won't make the same mistake. When started PB went out and bought everything and then tis good to see that I've even got a site just up the road from me....will defo need to check the Gravesend site out.

                      Had a look on some sites and couldn't believe the range!! certainly a ton more than PB..made my head hurt a little TBH, so getting down to a rental day will defo be the right step in this case.

                      Some of PB gear should cross over, gloves, boots, clothing, not the mask tho....will be glad to try and rid the old fogging issue out of game play.

                      I like the sound of electric over gas and bolt at the moment to be honest and like the idea of sniper with a pistol (I think) but until I get onto an airsoft field and give it a go won't be completely sure.

                      Many thanks for the info all, been very helpful so far


                      • #12
                        Re: New to Airsoft...I know nothing

                        Yes most of your paintball kit can be used for airsoft, even a mask if you really wanted/needed too. Me personally i just use some ESS shooting glasses, much lower profile and lighter, and just cover my lower face with a shemagh.

                        Originally posted by mattJT View Post

                        I like the sound of electric over gas and bolt at the moment to be honest and like the idea of sniper with a pistol (I think) but until I get onto an airsoft field and give it a go won't be completely sure.

                        Please don't go out and buy a cheap spring sniper rifle as your first weapon!! Yes they may look cool and you can be 'the sniper' but in airsoft we use 6mm plastic balls, they are not bullets and do not have the same ballistic properties. So in real life a sniper can shoot out to over 2,500m, an assault rifle will be maxing out at 600-800m. In airsoft, an AEG can be hitting 50-60m, and a bog standard cheap spring sniper might only be hitting 40m or so (numbers are not definitive before somebody says!). With tuning, people can get them shooting out to over the 100m mark, but this is with a lot of time, money and effort put into them. Not something a beginner really wants to be doing. In short, a cheap spring sniper will not be able to out range an AEG (on the most part) so you will find yourself losing these firefights and you'll get frustrated easily.

                        Your best bet as a beginner is to buy and AEG. Gives you the most flexibility (you can play indoors and outdoors with the same gun) and practicality. Until you really know what you want to specialise in, if you do want to specialise in a certain game type, game play style, woodland/CQB etc then an AEG is your best bet. Its also the cheapest way in in practical terms. A G&G Combat Machine M4 is as little as £120 and that will serve you well at a range of sites.

                        Currently rocking: Tokyo Marui 416D Recoil Shock and a Tokyo Marui HK45 w/SureFire X300


                        • #13
                          Re: New to Airsoft...I know nothing

                          Sniping in airsoft is definitely an acquired taste. You can out range most other guns on the field but not to the distances you'd like to.

                          If you are considering the sniping route, DEFINITELY try to borrow kit to try it out before parting with hard earned pennies. Many a would be sniper has sold their "only used once, sniping not for me" gun for a massive loss. Learn from their mistakes!


                          • #14
                            Re: New to Airsoft...I know nothing

                            Can we get this thread stickied? This is going really well.
                            Originally posted by Lt. Macka
                            big black shapes draw the eye.


                            • #15
                              Re: New to Airsoft...I know nothing

                              Originally posted by Caldymoose View Post
                              Yes most of your paintball kit can be used for airsoft, even a mask if you really wanted/needed too. Me personally i just use some ESS shooting glasses, much lower profile and lighter, and just cover my lower face with a shemagh.

                              Please don't go out and buy a cheap spring sniper rifle as your first weapon!! Yes they may look cool and you can be 'the sniper' but in airsoft we use 6mm plastic balls, they are not bullets and do not have the same ballistic properties. So in real life a sniper can shoot out to over 2,500m, an assault rifle will be maxing out at 600-800m. In airsoft, an AEG can be hitting 50-60m, and a bog standard cheap spring sniper might only be hitting 40m or so (numbers are not definitive before somebody says!). With tuning, people can get them shooting out to over the 100m mark, but this is with a lot of time, money and effort put into them. Not something a beginner really wants to be doing. In short, a cheap spring sniper will not be able to out range an AEG (on the most part) so you will find yourself losing these firefights and you'll get frustrated easily.

                              Your best bet as a beginner is to buy and AEG. Gives you the most flexibility (you can play indoors and outdoors with the same gun) and practicality. Until you really know what you want to specialise in, if you do want to specialise in a certain game type, game play style, woodland/CQB etc then an AEG is your best bet. Its also the cheapest way in in practical terms. A G&G Combat Machine M4 is as little as £120 and that will serve you well at a range of sites.
                              I think wanting to play sniper is just a me kinda idea....the reality is an AEG would be better all round, is that £120 new or used? (when the times comes with be searching for a which AEG thread, can't believe the amount of choice still!).

                              I'll be more than happy to not use my mask......that's one of the advantages of mask fogging issues Actually alot of my gear will cross over nicely, my spare clothes are British DPM and my tac vest is a Viper South African, so perfect for mags and stuff.

                              Originally posted by loki7491 View Post
                              Sniping in airsoft is definitely an acquired taste. You can out range most other guns on the field but not to the distances you'd like to.

                              If you are considering the sniping route, DEFINITELY try to borrow kit to try it out before parting with hard earned pennies. Many a would be sniper has sold their "only used once, sniping not for me" gun for a massive loss. Learn from their mistakes!
                              cheers mate, point taken

                              Originally posted by Proto View Post
                              Can we get this thread stickied? This is going really well.
                              No complaints here, your all being excellent to a noob.

                              Actually worked out that "the Sandpit" is walking distance from where I live!! it must be a sign


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                              mattJT Find out more about mattJT