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Tokyo Marui (TM) MP7; Opinions/Advice/Experience Please

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  • Tokyo Marui (TM) MP7; Opinions/Advice/Experience Please

    Towards the end of last year I heard about the MP7. I fell in love with it instantly. I opened a thread and questioned what differences there were between the available models and what I should be aware of. I received some fantastic responses. I'll try to summarise the main points below. A lot of points were made but a lot of people equally praised and disapproved them so I won't include those.

    - Electric vs. Gas = Significantly Cheaper vs. More Fun
    - TM Hop-Up Rubber was unanimously praised, over the KWA brand
    - Gas guns require better care and more often

    When I first started questioning which MP7 I should purchase the TM hadn't been in circulation for very long so it was difficult for people to really compare them. Now that it's been available for, at least, a few months I was wondering if anyone could provide any extra opinions/advice that wasn't so readily available before?

    I have a friend that owns a TM GBB MP7. He swears by it. But, I don't think he's ever handled the KWA MP7. He also has money flowing out from every orifice so price isn't so much a concern for him.

    But, the cost is always a consideration to me. However, if a product is truly "better" then I would be happy to pay the additional cost.

    I've never owned a gas gun before so I need to know exactly what I'm getting myself in to. I don't mind the additional maintenance, because I feel that maintaining your gun is part of owning a gun. I think I'd enjoy it.

    I appreciate that a lot of the responses I receive are often opinions, or shall we say "theories", based on the evidence they've amounted during their experiences but any and all posts are welcome.

    - Do I really get anything else for my money?
    - How easy is it to reassemble the gun (although I just stated that I think I'd enjoy it, I don't want to waste hours trying to put something back together when another brand, of the same gun, would have taken me 15 minutes).
    - Can I use it all year round? (It's likely that I'd use the MP7 as my primary and I'd probably sell my ARES Full-Length G36 (I really like CQB and the G36 just isn't very forgiving in the typically tight scenarios you find yourself in).
    - What types of gas are available? What are their advantages and disadvantages (affected by weather condition etc.)?
    - Are spare parts now much easier to get hold of and, if I wanted to buy a silencer is there a large selection available?

    Many thanks!

  • #2
    Re: Tokyo Marui (TM) MP7; Opinions/Advice/Experience Please

    The TM Gas MP7 is MUCH better than the KWA/Umarex one. I say this as a KWA owner. OK, the nozzles have been breaking, but a £15 replacement part remedies that. I've seen them used in around +2 celcius with no worries.

    The KWA is generally too hot to use with gas that gives you the kind of oomph you want.

    In hindsight, I really wish i had waited to get the TM one.


    • #3
      Re: Tokyo Marui (TM) MP7; Opinions/Advice/Experience Please

      Originally posted by B.E.N. View Post
      The KWA is generally too hot to use with gas that gives you the kind of oomph you want.
      $15 for the NPAS kit and you're good to go.
      I've been running mine on propane at -5c fine.
      Coventry University Airsoft Society - "Rock Up Late, Fuck Shit Up, Go Home"


      • #4
        Re: Tokyo Marui (TM) MP7; Opinions/Advice/Experience Please

        Thanks for the posts.

        It's always nice to be able to take a gun straight out of a box and use it anywhere. However, if I can order this "NPAS kit" for fairly cheap (which means the KWA is still cheaper than the TM) at the same time I order the gun then that wouldn't really be a problem.

        I've just spoken with a friend and, once again, he's insisted that the TM is the one to buy. But, I've still seen other people they've not had any problems with their KWA.

        Can someone, who is perhaps more familiar with the two brands and their history, provide me an insight as to what I could expect going forward from TM? Am I likely to find getting parts easy? Is it likely they'll continue "supporting" their models and release new attachments etc.?


        • #5
          Re: Tokyo Marui (TM) MP7; Opinions/Advice/Experience Please

          I've used all three gas variants. KSC, KWA and TM.
          KSC is like trying to get Smurf poo, unless you have contacts in HK then totally no point in getting one. But a bloody great gun especially the JP versions.
          KWA, the spares are out there but again to keep the costs down your best to order parts from HK. KWA are a massive brand and unlike a lot do support their customers. However they do seem to be loosing a lot contracts atm which puts them in an odd place.
          TM, well they invented the wheel. Their support outside of Japan for a lot of products is shocking but their parts are readably available and can be ordered by most UK retailers. They were here in the beginning and I doubt unless cyber@£&@£& find away they will still be here once most other companies have died and gone to silicon hell with all the photocopiers.

          In terms of performance, the TM is the newest and it shows. The thing kicks like a mule getting a dirty sanchez. KSC and KWA both perform very well and quite frankly I love my KSC, have owed much arse with it. The only reason I don't have a TM is 9 month old baby that seems to be eating and pooping my money.

          Personally if I were buying new now, i'd go TM, get the hardened nozzle and away you go. KSC are prone to blowing their back ends out, KWA not some much as they have one piece bolts, but they both suffer with popping nozzle return springs. This is just part and parcel of the guns. To my knowledge TM have addressed these issues, but they are manly coursed by full auto love anyway.
          "I sincerely hope your next shit is a hedgehog" loki7491
          Life in the fast lane........


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