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Marui Recoil Lipo Question

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  • Marui Recoil Lipo Question

    Hello all

    I have been struggling to find info on the size Lipo to use in a Marui 416 stock. Currently purchased the Baton adapter however after buying a Li-Fe battery discovered it was a tad too big. Can anyone recommend a Lipo battery (size/brand) that would fit the stock with the baton adapter?

    Only other thought would be to purchase a couple of the 800 mah lipos - if thats the case how may would be required for a days paly (not a bb hoser personally, prefer semi and picking shots)


  • #2
    Re: Marui Recoil Lipo Question

    The Baton adapters are pretty stupid because of how they limit you to one stock tube, which means you can't use butterfly LiPos, and they add increased resistance to the Recoil Shocks' already poor electrical efficiency. 800mAh batteries are so small you'd be looking at a minimum of three to guarantee a full day's play and you'd have to stay alert against the possibility of dropping your batteries into deep discharge state (DDS) from which they won't recover, not to mention that the NexGen Version 2 gearbox suffers from occasional lockups in semiautomatic fire when the battery's power is close to exhausted.

    If I were you, I would pull the QD system altogether (it's three screws to undo, put it to one side for eventual resale with the gun) and put in a totally reversible adapter which will allow you to use much larger batteries, all the way up to 3000mAh Hot Power 7.4v 15C LiPos.


    • #3
      Re: Marui Recoil Lipo Question

      Anymore info on the reversible adapter? may take a look into it, but to be honest I dont want to mess up a £550 gun


      • #4
        Re: Marui Recoil Lipo Question

        It's pretty easy. You will need:
        1. 1x Prometheus Gold Contact Bar Kit for TM SOPMOD: Technically speaking you just need a set of contact bars - some people sell their original nickel-plated TM ones when they upgrade to gold or when they ditch the contact bar system altogether, so you might be able to pick up some nickel originals secondhand. The gold contacts are substantially better in terms of performance, though.
        2. 1x Deans Ultra Plug (Male): Obviously your batteries need the female connector to protect them from arcing.
        3. 6" of 16AWG Silicone Sheathed Wire: Ideally you need 3" of red and 3" of black at a minimum of 16AWG, though 14AWG would be at the very least 'as good' and possibly better.
        4. 2" of Heatshrink: Make sure it's of the appropriate diameter; if you can get the glue-coated stuff even better as that adds significant strength.

        If you want to retain the in-line 20A fuse (not strictly necessary) you will also need 1x 20A ATO Fuse and two wire crimp connectors. The assembly looks like this:

        Originally posted by PureSilver View Post

        I'm probably going to move to a one-piece design I'm prototyping and might be persuaded to part with my complete assembly (the gold contact bars, 16AWG Turnigy silicone-coated wire, 20A mini-ATO fuse, GENUINE Deans connectors (all the way from the States!), two brand-new Vapex 1450mAh Crane-stock batteries, again with genuine Deans connectors, and a spare fuse included) if you're interested. It would fit your HK416 better than it does my SOPMOD as your stock's buttpad is wider than the Crane's, so you don't need a cover for the end. That would be a drop-in installation - unscrew the existing parts, remove them, put assembly into place, done.
        It's really very easy to do, completely reversible, and it REALLY helps with your electrical efficiency (dropping you from ten unsoldered connections with the QD/Baton system to just four without the fuse and six with). You'll see a gain of around 2-5rps if done correctly. As above I'm designing a one-piece prototype at the moment so if you're interested in a complete drop-in system I might be persuaded to part with mine. If you have a look at GrahamS' thread (where that post is linked from) two other users have already used the same design as me to great effect.


        • #5
          Re: Marui Recoil Lipo Question

          As posted above. I'm using puresliver method.I took my time reading over and over what to do, using the picture's as a guide, and it works a treat.


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