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Suggest M29

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  • Suggest M29

    I have had my eye on one or two copies, but I have heard differing opinions for both.
    The first version is Tanaka, which generally means it is of better quality. However, it appeared to have pathetic efficiency, at around 30 shots or less on a full canister.
    The other copy is a Tokyo Marui, who I have never had experience with. The gun in question also possesses differing opinions, some complaining about a poor build quality and others praising a magnificent one.

    Has anyone owned or used an airsoft M29 and if so, what would they suggest?

    For reference, if you are not aware, it is Dirty Harry's iconic gun.

  • #2
    Re: Suggest M29

    TM don't do a M29.
    The laptop is mightier than the pistol.


    • #3
      Re: Suggest M29

      It was likely M19 then, but that is fine.

      Yes, it was.

      Nonetheless, it is practically the same gun.
      Last edited by Fizzy; 4 June, 2013, 11:05. Reason: Retailer link removed


      • #4
        Re: Suggest M29

        Yeah TM make an M19. It's very light, doesn't look great and feels quite cheap really, same as their other revolvers. The Tanaka is the opposite entirely. HW ones are up to 1kg, and the finish is beautiful on all of them. They don't perform as well and only hold 14 or so BBs, but it's worth it for how nice they feel, and they can take real wood grips.


        • #5
          Re: Suggest M29

          M29 is an N frame, M19 is a K frame. Only real difference is in size: The N frame is substantially larger than the K frame.


          • #6
            Re: Suggest M29

            I had forgotten about the retailer link, though that was my fault entirely.

            A tanaka version then?

            The price wasn't much higher, I only wished to ask as I do not wish to acquire another non skirmish able gun.


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