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What is the best Glock 17 replica in your opinion?

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  • What is the best Glock 17 replica in your opinion?


    I'm new to this forum and new to airsoft. I've been doing a lot of reading to try and find the best Glock 17 replica. I want something that is accurate to about 20 meters and has a realistic trigger pull. I know the Glock is around 5.5lbs trigger pull and it will be hard to replicate with an airsoft gun.

    I need one to practice my trigger control and sight picture as most of shots fall to the bottom left with a real Glock 17.

    There are so many conflicting reviews online so I'm just wondering what models people have and how they rate them.


  • #2
    Re: What is the best Glock 17 replica in your opinion?

    I assume you have a real one then?

    What country do you live in?

    Accurate to 20 metres is an interesting one, for that I'd say Tokyo Marui.

    However - if you have a real glock 17 and you want something that replicates YOUR glock (specific sights, mag-wells, grips, mag releases, slide locks/releases) then you'll need to get a KWA/KSC glock. You'll be able to fit real versions of all the parts ive just mentioned and you'll be able to fit your gun/mags in real holsters (for example if you have a serpa for a G17 a tokyo marui glock will not fit in it, you'll need a large calibre glock holster model).

    While you will be able to train accuracy it doesn't quite transfer over exactly. For example if an airsoft glock is shooting low at 20m you may not have set the hop right, it may not be a problem with your trigger control.

    IF you really are after a cross training gun in terms of maximum recoil then you should get a KWA/KSC glock and fit an RA-tech steel slide and outer barrel, and run it exclusively off CO2. Once you've up-rated your hammer springs and recoil springs you may have something approaching a real glock in terms of behaviour. You can replace the inner barrel/hop assembly with a more accurate one (that bit is hearsay), but i doubt it will approach a TM glock in terms of accuracy. It's worth noting that you can buy this entire package from a hong-kong retailer (apart from the upgraded inner barrel) for about twice the price of a normal KWA glock.

    I personally own a KWA G18c with an aluminium slide, I have normal and have just obtained a CO2 mag (but I've yet to shoot it off), and find it perfectly good for nailing airsofters that are shooting back at me at anything up to about 15 metres (Which is obviously not target practise - but I do use it for that every now and again).
    Shadow Stalkers Airsoft Team


    • #3
      Re: What is the best Glock 17 replica in your opinion?

      Originally posted by john876 View Post

      I need one to practice my trigger control and sight picture as most of shots fall to the bottom left with a real Glock 17.
      No they don't, I've used them at work for years. It's your technique chap.

      TM for the win.
      Problems? Problems? There is no problem I cannot solve with this...

      ++ Attributed to Mad Chainsword Johnson, Commander of the White Scars ++

      "Systema owners are easily startled, but they'll soon be back and in larger numbers"
      Obi-Wan Kenobi


      • #4
        Re: What is the best Glock 17 replica in your opinion?

        I think thats why he wants something to practice with... to improve his technique, without burning up all the brass.


        • #5
          Re: What is the best Glock 17 replica in your opinion?

          My shots all fall bottom left with my Airsoft G18 - need to sort my technique out too! I think it's something to do with the way I haul on the trigger :P
          Shadow Stalkers Airsoft Team


          • #6
            Re: What is the best Glock 17 replica in your opinion?

            Thanks for the advice Dave. I'm actually in the UK but will be using a Glock 17 for work in the future so I don't have a real one to practice with.

            As Echosevennine pointed out, the reason I want one is to practice. With my current technique my shots drop to the bottom left when I hit 15-20 meters. I have very little experience with guns so I need all the practice I can get perfecting my sight picture, grip and trigger control. Unfortunately I can't access a real one to practice with so I just want to see if there is anything out there that can get me as close to the real thing as possible.


            • #7
              Re: What is the best Glock 17 replica in your opinion?

              When i first started shooting .22lr target rifle my shots pulled left because of poor trigger technique. I spent 10 mins a day practising pulling the trigger and cocking the rifle with a pound coin balancing on the barrel... Problem fixed in less than a week.

              Not sure how you'd apply it to pistol but its a hell of a tool.


              • #8
                Re: What is the best Glock 17 replica in your opinion?

                Fair enough chap. Are you snatching the trigger?
                Problems? Problems? There is no problem I cannot solve with this...

                ++ Attributed to Mad Chainsword Johnson, Commander of the White Scars ++

                "Systema owners are easily startled, but they'll soon be back and in larger numbers"
                Obi-Wan Kenobi


                • #9
                  Re: What is the best Glock 17 replica in your opinion?

                  Yeah I believe so, Black Templar. From 10 meters my grouping is very good. As soon as I start moving back everything starts going south. I just want to try and eliminate possible issues and try to establish it it is my trigger control, sight or if my left hand is pulling the gun to the left.

                  I think psychology comes into it quite a lot when Im at a distance which is probably affecting my trigger control.


                  • #10
                    Re: What is the best Glock 17 replica in your opinion?

                    Hmmm. What stance are you using? Weaver by any chance. Are you a lefty?
                    Problems? Problems? There is no problem I cannot solve with this...

                    ++ Attributed to Mad Chainsword Johnson, Commander of the White Scars ++

                    "Systema owners are easily startled, but they'll soon be back and in larger numbers"
                    Obi-Wan Kenobi


                    • #11
                      Re: What is the best Glock 17 replica in your opinion?

                      I have to use the Isosceles stance. I'm right handed and my right is the dominant eye.


                      • #12
                        Re: What is the best Glock 17 replica in your opinion?

                        Tried weaver John? On your sight picture what are you focusing on?
                        Problems? Problems? There is no problem I cannot solve with this...

                        ++ Attributed to Mad Chainsword Johnson, Commander of the White Scars ++

                        "Systema owners are easily startled, but they'll soon be back and in larger numbers"
                        Obi-Wan Kenobi


                        • #13
                          Re: What is the best Glock 17 replica in your opinion?

                          I focus on the foresight so the target is a blur, however, once I get to distance I start to focus on the target again. I think practice is what I need most so that's why I've been toying with the airsoft option. I know it's not the real thing but might help overall. There is just so much out there it's hard to know where to start!!


                          • #14
                            Re: What is the best Glock 17 replica in your opinion?

                            I found that practising with a target in my garden (not overlooked) or even by just drawing my pistol and driving it into aim at say, a mug, in my room meant that I (whilst still a comparatively bad shot) can get hits in quick succession when airsofting.

                            I'll be looking to get my drills back up to speed when my arm is out of a sling (broken, target shooting will be good physio i hope!), and I'll be trying to sort out shooting low and left. This thread had quite a bit to say about why people shoot low and left and offers ways of counteracting it
                            Shadow Stalkers Airsoft Team


                            • #15
                              Re: What is the best Glock 17 replica in your opinion?

                              I think it's your confidence with the bang sticks. See if its possible to have a box of 50 in your own time bud, don't over think what your doing and sort your breathing. When you have settled on the alignment and blurred the target, your head should be saying NOW! Go with the instinct chap. Don't even think about the noisy end, recoil or brass and settle into the next one.
                              Problems? Problems? There is no problem I cannot solve with this...

                              ++ Attributed to Mad Chainsword Johnson, Commander of the White Scars ++

                              "Systema owners are easily startled, but they'll soon be back and in larger numbers"
                              Obi-Wan Kenobi


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