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Hello from St Helens, Merseyside!

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  • Hello from St Helens, Merseyside!

    How do lads, im Matt and im from st helens. Iv posted on the Delta 3 forum but its pretty dead over there so I thought id post over here with some hope haha!

    Iv been pondering airsoft for a while now, I used to be in the cadets and enjoyed the field training, training days and weekends away. All the in field stuff and re enactments but had to quit due to college and the mass amount of work im getting. Airsoft really does seem my cup of tea, so iv been looking in to it and here I am. Just thought id pop along and ask a few things.

    How do I get started? Im 17 years old, so I dont know if my age is a boundary and I dont own any kit what so ever but im planning on heading down to Delta 3 in Ormskirk on the 30th this month. I dont have any mates who want to try it along with me, uses, the lot of em! So, where do I start? Any advice and tips are much appreciated

    Cheers lads (and lasses if there are any here)


  • #2
    Re: Hello from St Helens, Merseyside!

    Well you can go to any site in your area and they'll almost certainly allow you to rent a gun for the day (for something like £30) which will most likely be an M4, g36 or AK variant, you can rent eyewear too (usually just a couple pounds) and a day on site costs roughly £20-30 (though could be more or less dependant on the site). It is recommended you wear boots with ankle support (although it's not usually necessary) and most of all remember to have fun

    Once you're 18 you'll be able to purchase an airsoft gun of your own in mostly a bright colour (not recommended) and if you're a regular skirmisher (a safe definition of this is at least 3 games over a period longer than 2 months) you can purchase without restriction as long as the seller is willing to accept your evidence.

    Edit: One last thing, remember to book in advance when intending to hire, last thing you want to do is show up when there's no guns available! (Although if you're really lucky a generous player may let you use one of their guns for the day )
    Originally posted by Lt. Macka
    big black shapes draw the eye.


    About the Author


    Matt6930 Find out more about Matt6930