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First gun

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  • First gun

    I am new to airsofting and would like to know a good reliable gun priced between £150-£200

    please help me out if you ave any ideas

  • #2
    Re: First gun

    my first gun and current gun is the AK47 Tactical very good but now i am selling it and i hope who ever buys it will have a good time with it


    • #3
      Re: First gun

      Well with that budget I'd go for a good quality clone:

      Jing Gong (JG)

      All three of these brands would offer you a solid starter gun, and I'm sure all 3 make Two-Tones, or most shops can two tone for you.

      As for the model, it is entirely up to you. Almost ANY gun can be made for the right price, it just depends what model you like.

      - AKs are great looking guns, spare parts are easily found on the forums and offer plenty of customisation.

      - M4s again the same as above, there are plenty of shapes and sizes, spare parts fit most models and you can add a lot of variety to them.

      - MP5s - my first AEG, great for in and outdoors, again this depends where you intend to play.


      • #4
        Re: First gun

        At the risk of starting another anti-two tone flame war, rent for your first few games.

        Why waste your money on a two tone that has less value when you sell it on? OK, you may save a few quid in rental costs, but most of that will go down the drain when you off-load it as soon as you are allowed to get a gun that doesn't look like something made from leftover anne summers plastic.

        Also, when you rent, you can try out a few different guns and see how you find them to use. No point in buying what everyone tells you is a good gun, if you find it too heavy/too light/uncomfortable etc.


        • #5
          Re: First gun

          Sound Advice. Not to mention not only will it lose its value as Rockin says but it will also be harder to sell. No one wants one.
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          • #6
            Re: First gun

            M4 G-P.....


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            godzassasin10 Find out more about godzassasin10