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WE SA80A2 advice

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  • WE SA80A2 advice

    Hi guys, recently decided to drag my WE L85 out from storage , was bought on impulse so completely new to gas guns so went back to AEG's
    i was hoping other L85 owners out there could point me in the right direction to keeping it running sweet and maintenance advice would be greatly appreciated.
    as far as internals go its all stock bar a NPAS Kit. i intend on actually using it now as its a very expensive paper weight otherwise!

    Many Thanks :D

  • #2
    Re: WE SA80A2 advice

    Everything you need to know is right here in this thread

    Tisane also has some videos on youtube about two problems you'll need to sort out first as well.

    Lady Astor (first woman MP in the House of Commons): "Mr Churchill, if you were my husband, I'd put poison in your tea."
    Winston (getting unsteadily to his feet): "Madam, if I were your husband ... I'd drink it."


    • #3
      Re: WE SA80A2 advice

      Thanks Stickybomb thats brilliant! i shall check it out :D


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