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  • Hey!

    Hey people!

    I'm 20, Living in the West Midlands and just wondering what stuff I need to start Airsoft? I love the look of it and want to get into it, What are some good starter weapons, kits and other bits n bobs.

    Thanks, Andrew

  • #2
    Re: Hey!

    hey buddy,
    welcome to the forum and to airsoft

    a good starting point would be an M4 maybe? easy to get hold of and parts to tweak & upgrade and bolt on goodies are everywhere! tactical kit is down to personal preference really, all my kits is based off British army kit with a PMC look to it so feel free to make your own style and go your own way with that.

    Have fun out there! :D


    • #3
      Re: Hey!

      Find a good site. Go to the site and rent a gun and play a game or two. All you need to start is a good pair of boots, and maybe some eye protection if you don't like the ones they rent out at the site. You don't need to buy anything else until you have had some games.
      102nd Chairborne Rangers - "Intelluctus VCRAus recte"

      Keyboard Commando - "He who argues until the other person gives up and goes away wins"


      • #4
        Re: Hey!

        Thanks guys,

        How much roughly is it to rent a gun? Also, I noticed to get a non-two tone weapon, How would I go about it?


        • #5
          Re: Hey!

          Legally nobody should sell you a non two tone gun unless you can be counted as a 'regular airsoft skirmisher.' The easiest (but by no means only) way of doing this is by getting registered on the UKARA database. To do this you need to be a member of an airsoft site and play three games in a period greater than two months.
          102nd Chairborne Rangers - "Intelluctus VCRAus recte"

          Keyboard Commando - "He who argues until the other person gives up and goes away wins"


          • #6
            Re: Hey!

            Originally posted by Longshot View Post
            To do this you need to be a member of an airsoft site and play three games in a period no less than three months.


            • #7
              Re: Hey!

              Originally posted by heroshark View Post
              Your correction is incorrect Mr Shark.

              From UKARA website:

              "To become a UKARA registered airsoft player you are required to take part in three games in no less than two months at your local registered gamesite. You must be over 18 years of age and able to provide some form of identification such as Passport, Drivers License or Bank Statement."

              Now as we all know the wording in that first line has confused a lot of people, so my wording of "three games in a period greater than two months" (which for the purpose of UKARA is considered 60 days) is both correct and easier to understand.
              102nd Chairborne Rangers - "Intelluctus VCRAus recte"

              Keyboard Commando - "He who argues until the other person gives up and goes away wins"


              • #8
                Re: Hey!

                As a matter of starting up, get a good pair of boots and go to your local site and play the games required for UKARA, you needn't actually be put on the database to be just as acceptable in the eyes of the law for RIF (realistic imitation firearm) purchases.

                Once you've done that then look toward eyewear, a starter gun (something like a G&G combat machine M4 for price:performance ratio and part compatibility), mags (lots of mids or a couple high caps) and something to carry all of that plus lots of water!

                - - - Updated - - -

                As a matter of starting up, get a good pair of boots and go to your local site and play the games required for UKARA, you needn't actually be put on the database to be just as acceptable in the eyes of the law for RIF (realistic imitation firearm) purchases.

                Once you've done that then look toward eyewear, a starter gun (something like a G&G combat machine M4 for price:performance ratio and part compatibility), mags (lots of mids or a couple high caps) and something to carry all of that plus lots of water!
                Originally posted by Lt. Macka
                big black shapes draw the eye.


                • #9
                  Re: Hey!

                  Originally posted by heroshark View Post

                  Incorrect correction.

                  3 games in not less than 2 months but equating to no more than 12 months.
                  section 24 of the 1968 Act
                  Supplying imitation firearms to minors
                  1)It is an offence for a person under the age of eighteen to purchase an imitation firearm
                  2)It is an offence to sell an imitation firearm to a person under the age of eighteen.


                  • #10
                    Re: Hey!

                    So 3 games in over 2 months and under 12 months to get on the register?


                    • #11
                      Re: Hey!

                      Not to sound patronising, but well done!

                      Most people seem baffled by that rule but you've got it in one (and managed to explain it in a really easy way too!).
                      102nd Chairborne Rangers - "Intelluctus VCRAus recte"

                      Keyboard Commando - "He who argues until the other person gives up and goes away wins"


                      • #12
                        Re: Hey!

                        Ah been a while since I had one my bad. My advice is just play ,it costs enough without paying for site memberships/ukara once you get established people will accept you as part of the fold and be happy to sell you kit.


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                        theonethatownz Find out more about theonethatownz