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Airsoft help please?

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  • #16
    Re: Airsoft help please ???

    Originally posted by Fizzy View Post
    He already said. Pity he didn't get their names to name and shame
    I know who it was and team name, but because i'm new i don't want to make an enemies i dont really want to say. I'm sure a marshal say as well.


    • #17
      Re: Airsoft help please ???

      Originally posted by davepower View Post
      I know who it was and team name, but because i'm new i don't want to make an enemies i dont really want to say. I'm sure a marshal say as well.
      tell the marshals about them ..i hate cheaters and im sure many others on this forum will agree with me


      • #18
        Re: Airsoft help please ???

        Originally posted by comeback View Post
        whoops forgot about those and yes midcaps are the best i recon for milsims
        Sorry what's a Rekon Mil sim


        • #19
          Re: Airsoft help please ???

          Originally posted by davepower View Post
          Sorry what's a Rekon Mil sim
          haha no i was just saying you can only user low caps or midcaps at a milsim because it adds to the relalism a milsim stands for military simulation basically you get a grid referance and you open up missions at certain times very realistic and alot of fun! alots very tiring but if you want to lose weight its the way foward


          • #20
            Re: Airsoft help please ???

            This is a major downside to airsoft vs paintball, and probably the only one in my opinion.

            I have yet to play a game where everyone takes their hits. At least once in a day, there will be an altercation between people over taking hits. Sadly, it seems not everyone is honest, and not eveyone is ready to go and respawn or give up the round when they get hit. I don't think this will ever be eradicated in airsoft, so sadly, even if a site is well marshalled, they can not see everything and there is always two side, you will have to put up with it.
            Weapons of Choice:
            G&G SOC-16
            Socom Gear NOVAK neXt 1911
            JG - AK47 tactical
            VFC Scar - L
            Custom Benelli M3 Super 90


            • #21
              Re: Airsoft help please ???

              Originally posted by steveoz View Post
              This is a major downside to airsoft vs paintball, and probably the only one in my opinion.

              I have yet to play a game where everyone takes their hits. At least once in a day, there will be an altercation between people over taking hits. Sadly, it seems not everyone is honest, and not eveyone is ready to go and respawn or give up the round when they get hit. I don't think this will ever be eradicated in airsoft, so sadly, even if a site is well marshalled, they can not see everything and there is always two side, you will have to put up with it.
              Its still a shame though, are all sites like this or is Ground Zero known for cheating?


              • #22
                Re: Airsoft help please ???

                it is a shame, I can't speak for GZ specifically, but every other site I have every been to always has at least one argument over taking hits.

                That said, don't let it put you off. I used to paintball and did do for over 7 years - it wasn't uncommon for someone to wipe paint and carry on, or have a ball spin off them and carry on.
                Weapons of Choice:
                G&G SOC-16
                Socom Gear NOVAK neXt 1911
                JG - AK47 tactical
                VFC Scar - L
                Custom Benelli M3 Super 90


                • #23
                  Re: Airsoft help please ???

                  Anyone reported for cheating at Ground Zero Woodland is likely to be escorted from the site and told not to come back.

                  I don't know which team you played with last game, but you should have reported anyone that suggested you don't bother to take your hits to the marshals (and I know of no marshal at GZW that would encourage you cheat).

                  I would encourage you to continue playing airsoft, and no matter which site you choose to play at, please report cheating to those in charge - we don't need players that won't play by the rules!

                  If you play at GZW again, and see or hear of anyone not taking their hits, please take their tag name/number and report them to a marshal.



                  • #24
                    Re: Airsoft help please ???

                    Stuffing cheats need a good pistol whipping. yes report them. you won't make enemies. In fact you will make friends. TBH I have seen cheating in paintballing too people wiping paint off balls that don't break so they ignore them. I am unfit too and I must admit to a sort of little cheat every now and again. basically if I got hit I call it walk out of the firing line then sit down for 5 or 10 minutes away from the combat zone. Depending on how far the the respawn point depended on how long I waited. I know it is a little naughty but being unfit is a killer when you are getting on a bit. I am a lot fitter now though so don't do it.
                    Feedback link



                    • #25
                      Re: Airsoft help please ???

                      GZ Marshall's are very good and do take it seriously when people cheat.

                      It is very much down to the individual as well to play in a sporting manner. I have personally been accused of cheating even though I was not I accepted the comments from the marshall and walked to the dead zone.

                      There are many occassions when people think they have hit you but due to the range they cannot see which is generally where people think about cheating. I work on the principal that the only person you are cheating is yourself as you know that the only reason you killed 20 people and didnt die once is because you cheated which strikes me as a hollow victory.

                      I second the comment made about taking tag numbers and reporting it marshall's and in my experiance they will do something. This is aided by the fact that a lot of the GZ Marshall's are player Marshall's actually out there with you.

                      The cheating normally comes from casual once in a while walk on's with rented equipment who want to get their monies worth and before anyone shouts at me I am in no way saying that is the norm for all. I was a walk on with rented gear once.

                      The best way to get a proper feel for it is to speak to and team up with differing people throughout the day this way you get a much better feel for how people play and what would suit you best.

                      Airsoft is a brilliant cheap day out once you are kitted up and as far as good exercise goes its the only type I do now

                      Please dont let the thoughts of some small minded individuals cloud your opinion of Airsoft. Nearly all of us go out with the intention of being as fair as possible and if there is any doubt about if we where hit or not we call it as a hit anyway. That way it means that we have the moral high ground.

                      You will without a shadow of doubt come across the force field wearing super Rambow shadow warrier john claude van dam arnorld vader god types who are impervious to being hit. It is so much fun switching from single shot to full auto and hosing them down for extended periods of time until the pain becomes to much for them so just enjoy the oppertunity to inflict pain for their stupidity.
                      Sir we are f&cked we are surrounded. Son we are not f&cked we are in a target rich enviroment.
                      Team Spartan & GZ Marshal (No longer a ZX12 owner have gone to the poweranger's toy of choice ZX10R)
                      Any post's are my own opinion.


                      • #26
                        Re: Airsoft help please?

                        There are cheaters at every site mate, I find it's normally tossers who don't take hits but the majority of player do.

                        And unlike steve I have had games with no one purposefully ignored their hits. I am not being disrespectful to any older players but I find younger airsofters are a lot more fun to skirmish with, they always take their hits and they don't moan if someone doesn't. I am sure all the Xsite marshalls would vouch for that too.

                        Lastly I think you need to make the decision about whether to continue paintballing or airsofting yourself, I personally don't see the sense into going onto an airsoft forum asking a question like "what is better, airsoft or paintball". I would be very surprised if anyone on the forum told you to pick paintball.

                        But as you've asked for our opinions I would say go for airsoft (obviously) because it's so much friendlier and more realistic



                        • #27
                          Re: Airsoft help please?

                          With the best will in the world i think most of the people who play airsoft rick being accused of cheating at some point... the real test is just how often.

                          A genuine player will very, very rarely if ever be accused, whereas somepoeple manage to achieve noteriety in the space of a few hours.

                          Airsoft CAN be good exercise, it depends on your play style, and the size of the site.

                          I find that my muscles ache after, which is a good sign.. tho i can imagine after many years it could lead to a bad back.... or an abnormaly large set of lower back muscles.

                          As far as 'Airsoft vs Paintball' i have played both, but airsoft for the win all the way. JOIN US...mmmmBrains.


                          • #28
                            Re: Airsoft help please?

                            Hmmmm.... My experience of airsoft "cheating" isn't usually malicious at all. It's usually an honest mistake or misunderstanding, often on the shooters part.

                            Lots of things can stop a BB on it's way, and often, they don't fly as far or as fast as you think they do. Also, people like to buy and wear a lot of kit.

                            Basically, it's best to give the benefit of the doubt. If you are shooting at somebody and they are not taking it, don't act some idiot and call them names, give them the benefit of the doubt. Likewise, if you get hit and it's 50/50 if it was a deflection or ricochet, benefit of the doubt... Take the hit.

                            The faster you get back to the deadzone, the faster you can rejoin the game.


                            • #29
                              Re: Airsoft help please?

                              Second that. And don't waste ammo on someone you think's not taking hits... use your skill to move to a better position and shoot them so they really know about it! Or just move on to another fight. Don't let it spoil yours, and everyone's game.


                              • #30
                                Re: Airsoft help please?

                                joinnnn usss. we need more honest players and supporters of our sport!
                                paintball is great, but for stag doos and stuff. airsoft is for people who know how to spend their money on toys!

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