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G&P Marine Stock

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  • G&P Marine Stock

    Now then chaps and chapesses,

    I'm thinking about slapping a G&P Marine stock on my AR. Anyone used them before and can recommend it either way?

    First off I like the looks - its not something you see on many guns - and secondly I like the fact that it gives me more to play with than just a stock tube (which is what my current element ACS stock allows) when it comes to battery/mosfet options (currently running a DIY low-pro mosfet and a 7.4 1450mah lipo all crammed into the one tube).

    Is it worth the $80 that (not) zero one charge?
    Shadow Stalkers Airsoft Team

  • #2
    Re: G&P Marine Stock

    I had a G&P sr15 urx that had one of these on. I soon got fed up of having to unscrew the 4 nuts and bolts that hold the battery compartments in every time I needed to change the battery and went with a prs stock instead.
    They are pretty sturdy though and have a fair bit of room inside so it's up to you whether you would find the bolts annoying or not really.
    Originally posted by Hawk
    The P word again! You should say your love for airsoft 3 times and a holy Tokio Marui


    • #3
      Would you be able to measure the length of it? I'm thinking about rigging some shock cord or throw levers to hold it together, I'm not a fan of fiddling with four bolts to change battery either... But I do want the option to use a chimera at some point :'( (or just big life batteries)

      Sent from outer space
      Shadow Stalkers Airsoft Team


      • #4
        Re: G&P Marine Stock

        Sorry I sold it mate so can't measure it for you but I used a large G&P battery in it and there was still some space that would house a mosfet.
        The battery I used:
        9.6v 3300mAh Battery For Marine Battery Stock (Shorty)
        Originally posted by Hawk
        The P word again! You should say your love for airsoft 3 times and a holy Tokio Marui


        • #5
          Re: G&P Marine Stock

          When I had mine I found it to be as previously mentioned a pain to switch batteries, and for the size and length of the stock, actually fairly lacking in space. The bar that forms a triangle on the bottom goes right through the battery compartment, meaning that it is both shorter and a more awkward shape than you would expect. IIRC, I could only fit batteries that were as wide as the small rectangular Lipos in there.


          • #6
            Re: G&P Marine Stock

            Cool, cheers triggerhappy
            Shadow Stalkers Airsoft Team


            About the Author


            dave38x East midlands based airsofter & member of Shadow Stalkers Airsoft Team. I am the team armourer and do the majority of our tech-work, as well as tech work/one off manufacturing jobs for others. Find out more about dave38x