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  • STAR AEG's.

    Straight to the point, where do they stand, we all know about their Scars/Tars and L85's, but what about the normal range? M4's in particular, are Scars really that unreliable or can the build quality and performance match their G&P'esque price tag (250-300)?

  • #2
    Re: STAR AEG's.

    The STAR Scars are great. Stupidly easy to field strip, quick change barrels, amazing really.
    Have I bought or sold an item that relates to you recently? If so, please leave me my iTrader


    • #3
      Re: STAR AEG's.

      i owned a star scar, it was the worst gun i ever owned ( maybe i just got unlucky and got the bad one of the batch) it broke constantly, the screws rusted, eventuly it just stopped working altogether, i admit that the eglm was nice, and when it did work it was very accurate (though the rof was a bit rubbish) however i have a friend who has one and his is fine. must have just been mine :/ and a teammate has had a star m16 for 3 years, still going strong.


      • #4
        Re: STAR AEG's.

        My Star Scar is my primary weapon now. It is faultless. It did require the hop adjuster to be replaced but as it was new it was under warranty. It is accurrate and very easy to keep clean and comes fully ready to have loads of gun porn attached to it.

        I cannot say enough how much I like this weapon its very tactil and was worth every penny.

        Shame your not down south as you would have been welcome to have a quick play at GZ with it.

        I guess its the same with all things. They are (expensive) toys and there will always be manufacturing faults but I think for the greater part Star can be relied upon.
        Sir we are f&cked we are surrounded. Son we are not f&cked we are in a target rich enviroment.
        Team Spartan & GZ Marshal (No longer a ZX12 owner have gone to the poweranger's toy of choice ZX10R)
        Any post's are my own opinion.


        • #5
          Re: STAR AEG's.

          Hmm, as expected varied experiences... The main reason I brought this up, is that I unfortunately got pressured into purchasing a Star M4 by 3 of my teammates and a further 3 people in the shop, I am not normally one to get pressured into making any purchases, I study and review pretty much everything I buy for weeks in advance, but this is the one time I have let myself go and ride the wave of the unknown because the AEG and brand I was after was out of stock (poor excuse, but when you are so close to owning and touching your first gun only to have it snatched away, its silly how hard it is to leave a shop empty handed :P), and now I pretty much have no idea what it is that I have bought for a fairly high price tag and have pretty much high opinions from 6 individuals as my only reference. I cant find many reviews for the model I have (RAS2-L), what I do know is that the trigger response is the best I have tried (that being very limited as I am a new player having tried only a few guns), most AEGs that I have tried firing in semi-auto in quick succession have caused the motor to stop or require the fire selection mode to be swapped around to auto and back again, but this handles it no problems. As far as range and accuracy go, its far too early to tell as the HOP needs settling in (which as it is my first gun has been causing me to excrete bricks as I have no idea what to expect as its "acceptable accuracy and range" and for the money I am expecting the gun to be firing BB's with bells and whistles attached as they come out the barrel). Does anyone know how similar the construction or quality is between STAR's models, for example, is the SCARS performance/etc likely to be reflected in their M4's?


          • #6
            Re: STAR AEG's.

            STAR m4's break a lot even the ones from the latest batch


            • #7
              Re: STAR AEG's.

              hmm i had a star M4, was awesome ....
              |Systema PTW M16 RIS | Systema PTW M4 RIS | Systema PTW MP5 | WE SCAR L GBB | King Arms Sig 556 Holo | Custom M4 CASV Multicam | TM MP7 | KSC Steyr TMP | KSC USP .45 | WA SIG GSR | WA Beretta M9 | Socom Gear Wilson Combat 1911| Remote Pyro |


              • #8
                Re: STAR AEG's.

                Naux, When I was looking to buy my first car my dad was always telling me. Buy a Nissan, they are indestructable, Buy a Nissan the parts are cheap. buy a nissan they are so good, never buy a ford they are rubbish always breaking down. Well I have owned many cars now and the two Nissans I have had were crap. Always breaking down and needing this or that. Two years ago I was given a ford by some one who owed me money and I have had two years trouble free motoring. Nothing has gone wrong with it.
                What I am trying to say is.. peoples experience of a product, like your gun will differ wildly, because each owners experiance will differ accordingly, As you can see from the posts in this thread, any single thing you ask for an opinion about you will be given both positive and negative feedback, at the end of the day the only opinion that matters will be yours. When you have skirmished with the weapon a few times you will be able to put your mind at rest.


                • #9
                  Re: STAR AEG's.

                  Thanks Jedi, but this is exactly the problem, I am anxious to get out and skirmish it more (already used it in the Mall on its maiden voyage), but since the opportunity to just see if there is hope in using it comes in 2 week intervals, the window to figure out if its worth keeping or refunding/replacing is very small. I realise that by asking such open ended questions is going to bring rather open ended answers which are leaving me in pretty much the same position but it is a little more comforting knowing which of peoples experiences are more frequent.

                  To be honest I have not had a good feeling about this gun since I got it, and definitely do not have the euphoria that I know I should be having with a new gun purchase, I frankly do not like taking it out of its bag for all the wrong reasons , its probably best to keep an eye on the For Sale forums... We will see.


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