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Stick with the PC or go to chest rigs?

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  • Stick with the PC or go to chest rigs?

    Hi all, I've had quite a kit overhaul recently moving from over encumbered to 'High Speed Low Drag' as people like to call it, or a minimalist approach as some others do. I've managed to ditch a full Warrior PLB setup and just stick stuff on the riggers belt etc and have basically an empty plate carrier. 3 TACO's on the front and a hydration pouch/cargo pouch on the back. I'm starting to think that to keep light on my feet I might as well invest in a chest rig such as the HSGI AO one or the Haley Strategics D3 one just to complete my 'minimalist' loadout. The D3 has been the biggest one for me as I can have 4 mags, 2 pistol mags and some utility pouches, all on a low profile. Which makes me think, what if I want to start milsims, most require plate carriers or something of the nature. And this profile that I'm developing would be the total opposite, suitable for a skirmish and fast paced games. I don't mind being all hot, sweaty and weighed down in a PC when I know I look 'tacticool' but I'm thinking it would be a much more enjoyable experience if I could go with the smaller profile stuff to gain manoeuvrability and keep some stamina that I'm losing when lugging around a DCS all day.

    If anyone has any advice or personal experience regarding both the aspects I'm on about then please feel free to express an opinion, I'd much rather be enlightened by someone's opinion than read some sales pitch online.


  • #2
    Re: Stick with the PC or go to chest rigs?

    I made the switch to a chest rig a while back, got tired of filling pouches with stuff I never needed or used. Got a WAS light assault rig first. Great bit of kit, holds five mags plus front is covered in molle. Ran that for a while then traded up to a Haley D3. Love the D3 it's light and has enough space for the essentials. Holds my mags, GPS, radio and space for a few other bits. If I need extra mags I've got a costa leg rig which adds two primary mags and up to three secondry mags. Hydration I use a 3l source camelback style pack. You can get connection kits that allow you to attach your D3 to a plate carrier. 5.11 Tactical do some straps which I believe can be used, but mayflower also do a set of straps. There is another company called extreme gear labs who do a kit which is prefect for the D3. It's got the straps plus has Velcro panels that you attach to your molle to use the Velcro on the back of the D3. This is the one I'm planning on getting so I can run my rig on a plate carrier if I must wear one. This way all your pouches are in the same location , they just happen to be on top of a plate carrier. I tried a battle belt for a while with shoulder straps to help take some of the weight. But just could not get on with it so stuck with the chest rig.


    • #3
      Re: Stick with the PC or go to chest rigs?

      You basically have the setup that I'm after, costa leg panel (I already have the tacos) and the D3. I'm probably just going to have my mags, speed loaders and a drink with me on the rig. I've already got the plate carrier up for sale as to be fair it will be a white elephant when I get the rig, thanks for the summary. Care to show some pictures?


      • #4
        Re: Stick with the PC or go to chest rigs?

        Will try and get some pick of my rig up in my album later tonight, failing that I'll pm them you tomorrow when I get back from work. HSGI now do the costa leg panel, basically the costa rig without the pouches. As you already have the tacos it's a cheaper alternative. Plus you could have just primary mags on it instead of the secondary mags. I found leg rigs a bit of a pain, but with the costa one being high up I found that I got used to it after a bit. I found the hydration backpack handy as there is molle on it so can add extra Gear if needed, plus I could put a speed loader and a bag bbs in there for in game reloads. The only downside that I have found in not having a plate carrier is that in cqb games you don't have that padding on your back and sides so you feel your hits a lot more.


        • #5
          Re: Stick with the PC or go to chest rigs?

          I know what you mean. Thanks for the pictures and the in depth overview. Makes me all the more hyped to get myself one, I'll probably get my last use out of my plate Carrier in the next skirmish and then just hopefully get it sold. Might even grab myself the leg panel while I'm at it, on and some HSP patches, you can't forget those. Thanks for all this


          • #6
            Re: Stick with the PC or go to chest rigs?

            As Promised,

            - - - Updated - - -

            great will not link to file, so have put them in my album


            • #7
              Re: Stick with the PC or go to chest rigs?

              Well I find battlefield 4 quite hard to play on chest rig, so I'd stick to PC.


              • #8
                Re: Stick with the PC or go to chest rigs?

                That one was quick Coski


                • #9
                  Re: Stick with the PC or go to chest rigs?

                  Originally posted by JFarrow View Post
                  That one was quick Coski
                  I'm a comic genius!

                  Out of interest, what's stopping you running just a battle belt? It's what I often do and works a treat!


                  • #10
                    Re: Stick with the PC or go to chest rigs?

                    Ah I just got a bit annoyed when it would lug around and cause friction, probably had too much on. I'll most likely find myself running it when I get the new rig


                    • #11
                      Re: Stick with the PC or go to chest rigs?

                      Try a tac tailor mini mav. Chap.
                      Mine carries x2 m4 pouches, double pistol pouch, bfg pouch, and have a utility pouch on the front of the m4 pouches for any loose bits and bobs you may need to carry.
                      Works fine for me in CQB.
                      If I'm playing longer games I sling on a belt with a couple more m4 pouches.


                      • #12
                        Re: Stick with the PC or go to chest rigs?

                        I'll have a look man, thanks


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