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Eye protection sweaty fat guy

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  • Eye protection sweaty fat guy

    Ok I tried wearing various eye wear like ESS Goggles but every time I have to revert to mesh goggles.

    I want to wear clear goggles and not mesh but I have no luck now I'll explain.

    I tried ESS wipes and it stops the fog but I still get the water condensation on the lens that then makes you feel like your under water

    Is there any glasses / goggles ( prefer glasses ) that will allow me to play without the steaming up or water film ?

    At the moment I am wearing hero shark goggles ( mesh ) but I want to go to proper lenses again.

    Any help will be great.

  • #2
    Re: Eye protection sweaty fat guy

    something with a fan in them, the water that's collecting on the lenses is coming from you, no lens is going to repel that.

    ESS Profile turbofans or Smith Optics 'Outside The Wire' turbofan goggles will pull the moist air out of the goggles before it gets chance to condense on the lenses, they're both expensive options but if you're that sweaty that you're overwhelming ESS nofog then there's not really another way except mesh.


    • #3
      Re: Eye protection sweaty fat guy

      As well as anti fog you can get water repellent sprays and coatings this combined in a larger thermal lens goggles with a fan may be your best shot. Otherwise it's back to mesh.


      • #4
        Re: Eye protection sweaty fat guy

        My thoughts are that people focus too much on the actual glasses, they are important but there is so much that can help a good pair of glasses/solution to be a great pair.

        Do you wear a facemask? (I do) If so, this often pushes the hot warm air you are breathing out up and under your glasses, to combat this I moulded the mesh to my face and put a strip of rubber to seal it, as well as clipping some of the wire out to help my breath escape.

        What headwear do you use? A helmet? I find my fogging is worse when I do, especially condensation like you describe so i have started wearing a small headband under my helmet, stops the sweat stream down onto my face and glasses. This was the route cause of my fogging and condensation issues.

        Do the glasses or frame touch your face? If I have them a little looser (be warned, not too loose to create a gap) that the condensatin and sweat that was left didn't go onto the lenses.

        Anti fog solutions, I have tried loads, some work better than others but generally they can only prevent fogging, if you aren't set up right they will fog, no matter what.

        I wear Revision Sawfly glasses, i did have some problems with them but they are pretty much resolved now due to the above steps.


        • #5
          Re: Eye protection sweaty fat guy

          Originally posted by Dantakular View Post
          Eye protection sweaty fat guy
          Is it your eyes that need protecting, or ours? :p

          I've not heard good things about the fan goggles; they're extremely expensive, noticeably loud and still not immune to fogging. However, Bollé's new 'Platinum' coating is supposed to be really, really good at preventing fogging. Some retailers stock their Cobra 'safety spectacles' (really goggles) which are sealed - like all good eye-protection should be - and not particularly expensive.


          • #6
            Re: Eye protection sweaty fat guy

            Originally posted by PureSilver View Post
            Some retailers stock their Cobra 'safety spectacles' (really goggles) which are sealed - like all good eye-protection should be - and not particularly expensive.
            I've went through numerous amounts of eye pro now. All with failures in some aspects, whether it be condensation or fogging. Usually I find it to be condensation. Picked a pair of these up and they've been used extensively. I'm not going to lie, there is some condensation on them as they're rather lo-pro. But only at the very top of the lens. And to add to it I wear a neck gaitor/balaclava (heroshark face mask underneath) with a heavy russian helmet, even indoors I find no issues at all, bar that small layer of condensation that disappears once I get moving.


            • #7
              Re: Eye protection sweaty fat guy

              I got the same problem and bolle with platinum coating worked miracles for first 5 games and by then coating i managed to polish it off.
              I am going to get another pair and this time read instruction manual to avoid damaging them.


              • #8
                Re: Eye protection sweaty fat guy

                You could try Bolle X800 goggles. These have a gap at the top and bottom and so don't really steam up (and once outside with airflow won't), plus condensation has two ways to get out.


                • #9
                  Re: Eye protection sweaty fat guy

                  I wear a face mesh yes.
                  I don't wear a helmet.
                  I am aware that the condensation is from me and I have heard that Vaseline on the cheek bone helps stop the rise of vapour but didn't know if people have done this to any success.
                  I have tried wearing normal ESS shooting glasses that sit close to the skin but still same problem.

                  Just kind of wanted to get away from mesh glasses or goggles but if there is not much besides fan based goggles then mesh it may be then


                  • #10
                    Re: Eye protection sweaty fat guy

                    Have you not seen my post.

                    Bolle rush with platinum coating.


                    • #11
                      Re: Eye protection sweaty fat guy

                      Forei I am going to check them out bud but like to have a few options.
                      Sorry if I seemed I ignored you.


                      • #12
                        Re: Eye protection sweaty fat guy

                        If JFarrow only got a bit of condensation on the Bolle Cobra platinums with all the kit he was wearing then that makes them seem an excellent option. I'll be sure to check them out and they sound like they will suit the OP down to the ground.


                        • #13
                          Re: Eye protection sweaty fat guy

                          Ran the Bolle's again today, was a lot warmer than the last time I attended my site. Once again, wearing an Arc'teryx neck gaitor (warmer than a balaclava), face mask and heavy/sweaty helmet. Along with the rest of my kit of course, a little lighter gear-wise than in my avatar. Only problem once again was the small band of condensation, hell I even wore them during breaks in between games while re loading mags, never fogged at all and just left them on for laziness sake. Essentially wore them the full day, (bar my dinner break) and nothing was an issue, crystal clear. I really do recommend them. Because if your mask is soaked with sweat, you're dripping with the stuff and constantly breathing heavily (working on the fitness of course), then you're good to go with these. Just my 2 pennies


                          • #14
                            Re: Eye protection sweaty fat guy

                            I use SalClear Sport anti fog, works a dream on my ESS Profiles. Its worked well for me even when its boiling hot and I sweat buckets. The only time it's ever fogged on me is when it was ridiculously humid and even then they cleared in seconds when I started to move again.


                            About the Author


                            Dantakular I'm Dan, just Dan Find out more about Dantakular