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Tracer Units

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  • Tracer Units

    could anyone explain how tracer units work? i heard a guy say 'i know i hit him cos i was using a tracer' (he wasn't talking about me btw)

    Cheers, Matt

  • #2
    Re: Tracer Units

    From what Ive seen, a tracer unit is usually in the form of a silencer (there may be others, I think some hop units have them built in too but not 100% sure) which has a sensor and a strobe light in it, every time a bb passes the sensor the strobe goes off, this works with tracer bb's, which are basically high powered glow in the dark bbs that glow, like a tracer bullet, so you can see where theyre going. Works better during night games I imagine, dont know if they work well during the day


    • #3
      Re: Tracer Units

      that man nailed it above,the tracer unit is commonly a mock silencer on the front of the rifle,you can get tracer hop units think g+p have 1 but tbh they dont work too well mate has 1 and he regrets it,the tracer works with a light sensor wich activates the flouresant agents in tracer beebs as tey pass causeing them too glow,they are great at night games and very low light conditions they do work dureing the day but in my opinion its wasted dureing the day.
      why cant we all just get along??


      • #4
        Re: Tracer Units

        There are now many forms of tracer unit. Silencers, hop units, i even had a magazine which when attached to the rifle turned the light on inside the magazine. As the BB's got to the top of the magazine, the BB's absorb the light, which makes them glow. Only problem was tracer BB's are EXPENSIVE!!


        • #5
          Re: Tracer Units

          Originally posted by hoggy21 View Post
          There are now many forms of tracer unit. Silencers, hop units, i even had a magazine which when attached to the rifle turned the light on inside the magazine. As the BB's got to the top of the magazine, the BB's absorb the light, which makes them glow. Only problem was tracer BB's are EXPENSIVE!!
          900 TM tracer BB's for £8.50 isn't THAT bad, although expensive compared to normal BB's


          • #6
            Re: Tracer Units

            you can get a tm tracer silencer or a clone version of the same. MadBull's ultimate hop unit can have a tracer attachment added to it and G&P do tracer mags.

            They all basicly do the same thing. use LEDs to "charge" glow in the dark bbs.

            In night or low light conditions they work very well, especialy if you use low or mid caps and can put a tracer round in the mag after every couple of regular rounds, or what i do is put in 3-4 tracer rounds first so that when i see them being fired i know its time to switch out mags (first rounds in = last rounds out).

            the only down side to the tracer silencers is that there is a small muzzel flash when you fire, you can't see it yourself but someone looking down the barrel will, so depending on where you play etc this may give you away.

            Excel do a bag of tracer rounds think its 2500 for around 13 quid which isnt too bad.
            Madbull also do some at a good price but they only come in 0.12 which is pointless imo.

            All in all good bit of kit that always makes people go "ooohhhh look at that"


            • #7
              Re: Tracer Units

              I've never been a huge fan of the silencer type tracer units, BUT the new Madbull ultimate hopup that has an optional tracer unit on its side looks superb Its just a row of LEDS on the feed tube, and they run off the gun battery which is a neat idea.

              I may be tempted to get one at some point for my ICS M4, if it'll fit


              • #8
                Re: Tracer Units

                Originally posted by ColdFire047 View Post
                All in all good bit of kit that always makes people go "ooohhhh look at that"...big line pointing right to the guy who is shooting at us
                Corrected that for you :D

                They do look amazing, but one of things I rather see somebody elses one :D


                • #9
                  Re: Tracer Units

                  I tried the G&P m4 tracer mags and they are rubbish, bought a tm clone silencer type and its brilliant, well recomended!
                  I used the Excel bbs which where about £15 for 3500

                  Originally posted by Metalbody
                  pulling one off certainly feels good


                  • #10
                    Re: Tracer Units

                    Thanks for the info guys


                    • #11
                      Re: Tracer Units

                      also as a side note, you dont need to use tracer BB's only, mix them up in a mag so you get your line of fire but not a constant stream, like mixing white and black BB's in daylight, lets you see the line but not over the top

                      helps with the cost too


                      • #12
                        Re: Tracer Units

                        i use magbull tracer rounds as i get a slight discount tub of .2's for 8 quid and there is 3000 in it but i did get crossman tracer rounds .2's(yes i know) but were only 2.50 for 2000 of them they work well for showing off and just plinking at night not reccomended for skirmishing though,i believe there was a good deal from a shop world of airsoft up here in the bonny lands that did really good value one's cant remember exactly what they were mind.
                        why cant we all just get along??


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