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Irish DPM & Airsoft on the UK Mainland

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  • Irish DPM & Airsoft on the UK Mainland


    This seems to be somewhat a limited subject as even looking through google there few discussions about using Irish DPM, one I'm surprised hasn't popped up more often with Airsoft forums. So my question is; Is it okay to use Irish DPM when playing airsoft on the UK mainland?

    The law (civil & military) in Ireland states very clearly that Irish DPM is not to be sold or worn by individuals who are not serving in the Irish army. I'm trying to work out if this law is applicable outside Ireland. Clothing using the Irish DPM pattern seem to be available on ebay and from retailers/manufacturers in the UK but that doesn't mean it's ok to use it. I was wondering if anyone could shed any light on this subject for me!

    Thanks in advance!

  • #2
    Re: Irish DPM & Airsoft on the UK Mainland

    I've seen it used in Kent, & think its unlikely that its illegal here, to be honest most peeps over here wouldn't know the difference between Brit & Irish DPM.


    • #3
      Re: Irish DPM & Airsoft on the UK Mainland

      The same law is applied by several countries other than Ireland (South Africa and Zimbabwe as well as others) however these laws have no weight here in the UK.


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      Spearmark Airsofting Since 2005 :D Find out more about Spearmark