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first few shots under hopping

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  • first few shots under hopping

    I know this should probably go in the tech help section, but it cavers an aeg and a gbb so i thought Id stick it here and move if required.
    The problem that Im having is that the first 5 or so shots from the first mag are being under hopped.
    Fps seems consistent, both the hop rubber and barral are clean and free of sylicone.
    The hop rubber in the mp7 gbb is a falcon blue and the eag is a madbull, both of which Iv used befor and not had problems with.
    Once the firs 5 shots have been fired, the hop remanes stable through the rest of the mags, almost like it needs to warm up before it can give adiqate hop.
    If i leave it for a length of time and go back to it later in the day I have to fire a few shots off to get it to hop.
    The rubber is fitted correctly and is in good condition so was wondering, is this normal or am I missing a trick.


  • #2
    Re: first few shots under hopping

    Just incase you haven't found your answer yet mate...

    You are correct when you said its almost like it needs to warm up. Depending on the softness of the rubber.
    If you have a relatively soft rubber such as a G&G green then it tends to grip the BB really well. However if you use a harder rubber
    they tend to need build up a little heat before gripping effectively. Sort of like a tire :P

    You'll also notice on a very cold day that this effect is magnified and you will need even more shots to warm them up and sometimes they won't even feed properly.
    So this is perfectly normal mate, If it bugs you though get a softer hop rubber and see if is better.


    • #3
      Re: first few shots under hopping

      Many thank for your reply, that is the conclusion I had come to, but its great to hear that its a normal problem




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