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MK23 Carbine Conversion

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  • MK23 Carbine Conversion

    Just a few questions as Im converting my MK23 to a carbine but everyone seems to say different so was wondering what the overall opinion is.

    What hop up nubs have peoplw found to be the most consistent and reliable?
    What brand of tbb would you reccomend- Ive heard the PDI is good but its also quite expensive
    Can the carbine conversion kits use different stocks? Or is it just M4 compatible?


  • #2
    Re: MK23 Carbine Conversion

    you would be better trying the MK23 owners group on fb lots of people modding and converting so a wealth of knowledge.

    I just fitted a nineball vsr hop rubber in mine and a vsr tb barrel.

    hop nubs are hard as the hop arm is quite soft. people have been modding recently to hop .36 bbs using bits of biro cap. its very much a personal preference i use standard hop arm.

    PDI barrels are popular as quality is good. I usually use madbull but given a choice i would use a 6.03 steel tb.

    as for the stock question it depends what kit you are using/ modding. (again the group has a few people building rapid protoype kits if your looking for something specific they may be able to help.


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    Logical Airsofter Find out more about Logical Airsofter