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Left handed tactical vest

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  • Left handed tactical vest

    I'm trying to find a left handed tactical vest with holster but finding it a bit difficult to find one with built in holster.
    My budget is limited to about £30-40 max and Molle vests seems to cost more once you add pouches and holsters etc.

    Any lefties able to out! I know own I can't be the only one with this issue!

  • #2
    Re: Left handed tactical vest

    Are you able to provide right-handed examples with built-in stuff? Usually chest rigs/plate carriers and the like don't have anything built in; the cost is usually in the pouches, holsters etc. because holsters and pouches have to be customised to the weapons you're using. I'm left-handed and have never had any problems getting the left-handed holsters (which is really the only bit that is '-handed').

    £30-40 is a pittance, anyway; you'll spend that on just a holster given how uncommon left-handed ones are. You're best off looking for used gear in that price range.


    • #3
      Re: Left handed tactical vest

      I've seen a few vests with built in pouches and holsters such as Swiss Arms but I don't know how well built they are, I'd rather proper surplus cos I know it would be more durable but I'm still a newbie and running out of funds for top notch gear!


      • #4
        Re: Left handed tactical vest

        I doubt you'll find proper surplus gear designed for lefties, most military forces push right-handed shooting fairly heavily, and most military weapons are not that lefty friendly.

        have you considered using something with open topped (or even flap) ammo pouches, and using one of the pouches as a holster?
        I've had good luck keeping a second pistol in a flapped pouch on occasion.
        For example, you could keep it in one of the pouches of something like this or this

        Alternatively, I'm pretty sure you can find the good old crossdraw vest in left handed versions.

        will depend on the pistol too. some are easier to find suitable gear for than others.
        Not actually a builder
        Not actually called Bob.


        • #5
          Re: Left handed tactical vest

          In practice for a left-handed vest, £30-40 is probably not going to cut it. As said above they aren't that widespread.
          Your best bet is to spend a little more money (£45-60) on a cheap MOLLE vest which you can get from non-UK shops cheaply.
          This way you can set your vest up to your liking without any real compromise, your only main problem is cheap MOLLE isnt as well put together as more expensive equivalents but is probably how I'd do things with your budget mate.
          ave nex alea


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          abunaima7 Find out more about abunaima7