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  • Mosfet

    Quick query - What exactly is mosfet, and what does it do? Heard lots of talk, but don't understand!

    Originally posted by Savaged Wolf

    Snowdrop - hes quiet but always there ! like a jedi

  • #2
    Re: Mosfet

    Do a search on the forum there's lots of info on them. Basically it is an electronic switching system that will help trigger response and lessen contact wear on the gun it is installed in. There are more benefits but do the search.
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    • #3
      Re: Mosfet

      Basically its like a little ciruit board and depending on the make and model may be programmable which allows you to increase/decrease motor speed, single shot time and so on also gives you a 3 round burst option before going full auto. It may have active breaking or may not once again depending on make and model good for the internals ie the gears. But as this basically stops the motor spinning alot quicker isnt the best for the motor as it increases wear on it so "they" say.

      Best bit is instead of all the current going through your trigger contact which isnt the most efficient way the current goes directly to the motor and controlled by the circuit board. Stops the trigger contact burning out or in my case deciding to melt.

      Personally think they are a good job and the three round burst is good for conserving bb's but depending on your gun can be a tight squeeze specially if rear wired and use a buffer tube like I do.

      If you have enough electronic expertise you can build your own as the extreme fire mosfet is open source meaning that the diagrams and specifications are free to everyone but if your like me and have fat fingers and hate soldering little bits you can pick them up new for £40-£50 for the top of the line jobbies

      hope this helps


      • #4
        Re: Mosfet

        A MOSFET is basically the switching part of what rtf said. You know how when you put two wires together, they spark? The AEG switch does the same thing, and this not only causes massive resistance due to a poor contact (i.e. drops the rounds per second and the efficiency of the circuitry, therefore ups the battery usage and therefore wear) A MOSFET takes the circuitry and removes the switch from the equation, using it only as a signal, not a part of the circuit. Therefore no trigger wear, no massive resistance, higher rps and lower battery wear.

        Best thing about it? You can make it out of about 3 components for under £10 if you are resourceful. there is a fantastic thread on how to make it on Arnies forum, stickied in the tech section.

        Next step are the Active Braking mosfets. In reality, although many mosfets claim to be Active Braking (AB), that is in fact not quite true. Regardless of whether they are active or passive braking, they are all about making your gearbox more efficient. What it does is stops your motor over-rotating because of momentum. In other words, fire a shot on semi, your piston will stop with the spring fully decompressed. AB mosfets do this by reversing the current through the motor and spinning it backwards to stop it dead, and PB mosfets simply short the motor, stopping it dead through voodoo and black magic (in other words, no idea how they work :P). This reduces gear wear and piston wear and tappet plate wear and most other forms of wear in the gearbox, at a cost of an arguable negligible bit of wear on the motor... may need that clarified though, seen mixed statements, all of which seemed to make sense to me :/

        Finally, the most expensive are the programable mosfets. These are really quite cool, as they allow you to program your gun to fire x-shot bursts with one trigger pull or lock your gun to semi only with a timed delay. Some even mimic reload time by locking fire every x-number of shots, so that you can mimic mid or low caps using just your high cap. Different makes have different effects, some incorporate Lipo battery monitors into them as well... basically they get a bit sci-fi and incorporate almost every useful bit of electronics that their creator can think of.

        Thats about it for mosfets I think


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