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AUG Help :'(

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  • AUG Help :'(

    Hi. im looking to invest in a brand new AUG.
    i just dont know what to go for?
    im looking at the Jg AUG-A3 As my memory recalls.
    as it features a full metal RIS Front end, and its pretty Good.
    And features a Mofset? if thats what its called :3
    Or a Tm Aug Military. Just for Tm's Sake.
    Help please
    Originally posted by casshern
    then my xbox will be fed to the dog.

  • #2
    Re: AUG Help :'(

    Would be hard pressed to get hold of a AUG A3 in the UK since JG had their "break" lol Also their are A3 versions with and without MOSFET, no way of telling unless you ask the retailer to check as for what ever reason batches got made with and without them. As I say though good luck trying to get hold of one, ace AEG but very very heavy.

    TM is TM not much to say really :P

    CA M249 Para - TM Glock 18c - Cyma ASCU AKM (048M)


    • #3
      Re: AUG Help :'(

      They Do look very heavy, but also realistic.
      Il try finding one. i hear Jg Has a problem with there saftys in Aug's?
      like they fall out if pressed too hard?
      Originally posted by casshern
      then my xbox will be fed to the dog.


      • #4
        Re: AUG Help :'(

        Yeah, but you have to be pretty daft to shove them all the way out, have to poke them out aka put your finger into the body :P A3 is a cracking AEG, had one as my first AEG a fair while back but as I say can be quite a weight if you are carrying it all day.

        CA M249 Para - TM Glock 18c - Cyma ASCU AKM (048M)


        • #5
          Re: AUG Help :'(

          Yeah, I would go With the civilian model, but the iron sites are pants.
          so The military model? how does that rate?
          Originally posted by casshern
          then my xbox will be fed to the dog.


          • #6
            Re: AUG Help :'(

            Assume you mean the TM AUG A1 military with the built in scope?

            Is my first and only gun, so obvious bias with little comparison to other guns, just an advance warning.

            The scope is only 1.5x magnification, which actually isn't too bad for an airsoft weapon since your never going to be firing from more than around 50 meters anyway. It is quite heavy, let that be a pro or con depending on your strength/liking of realism, and it is fairly compact for a rifle, the weight is pretty much all in the back. I would say its a good gun, personally I think the Military version looks much better for the built in scope but I know a lot of people don't like the look of the AUG in general so I guess they would be in favor of anything which makes it look more normal like the civilian versions scope mount. Oh and the pistol grip feels a bit wobbly, it works fine I can only assume it is a side effect of the ability to set it in 0/45/90 degree angles

            General AUG things that take getting used to: small batteries only, bullpup so reloading is a bit different, fire selector is built into the trigger which is great since you'll never find yourself in the wrong mode. You can get a large custom battery for the AUG, but it barely fits in the back. The safety is a button that will stick into your hand when its on and your hands on the trigger so its easy to tell if its on or not, I would think this might be a problem for left handed people as then it would be sticking into your hand when its off which I imagine would be tiresome.

            So yeah I'd recommend the Military version so long as your not one of the people who hate AUGs, but if you do want to customize a bit more then grab the civilian, the iron sights might be bad but that's why you get a rail!


            • #7
              Re: AUG Help :'(

              i Love AUGs personally, bullpup convenience, and they look the muts nuts in my opinion.
              Ive seen a few with Awsome Camo on them. and i'd prefer the military, as its in the traditional Green, and the custom Sight looks pretty Awsome.
              Are the Forgrips flimsy on the TM's? because i know they are on the JG's
              Originally posted by casshern
              then my xbox will be fed to the dog.


              • #8
                Re: AUG Help :'(

                They do wobble a bit but its never caused any problems, when you are actually holding it they feel fine. Like I said I think it is just they way they adjust between the three settings which means they need to have some give which people then compare to the non adjustable pistol grips seen in other guns.


                • #9
                  Re: AUG Help :'(

                  TM AUG A1 military
                  Wasn't that discontinued? Most sites only have the civilian railed one.


                  • #10
                    Re: AUG Help :'(

                    Hmm, yeah a look around the internet seems to confirm it has been discontinued, guess you'd be lucky to find one then. There seems the be a CA one but I've not used it so can't comment on if its any better/worse than the TM.

                    You know a couple of months back I was so close to selling my AUG, now I find out its discontinued I don't think that will ever happen!


                    • #11
                      Re: AUG Help :'(

                      On the small battery comment that's bull, could fit a 9.6v 2000 brick into my JG AUG A3 :p

                      CA M249 Para - TM Glock 18c - Cyma ASCU AKM (048M)


                      • #12
                        Re: AUG Help :'(

                        Well maybe that's something they improved on, but certainly in the TM versions (assuming that they haven't changed those too) its pretty tight to fit in the special aug batter they made and I can't imagine a brick being able to fit in there

                        As you can see it just barely fits, especially by the time you put the buttplate back on


                        • #13
                          Re: AUG Help :'(

                          AUG+ Lipo flight pack = nice fit, It's what my friend does the only problem he has had with his A3 is BB's getting stuck in the body and having the butt plate fall off every know and then but thats a easy fix with some good old tape
                          "The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his

                          General George S.patton

                          Dboys AK74U with Samson rail (y)


                          • #14
                            Re: AUG Help :'(

                            Augs are awesome got one myself, the civilian version because the built in sites tend to be hit and miss. atleast with a ris you can get and site to fit it, on the battery size you could always run it on a 7.4 lipo giving similar performance to a normal 9.6. Currently considering selling my aug as it dosent get used
                            Bust a move.



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