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Berget- Multicam or MTP...?

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  • Berget- Multicam or MTP...?

    Hey guys,

    Just a quick question am looking to go to Berget in Sweden next year or something. The two teams Berget have are a "Desert" team and a "Woodland" team, which are decided on which camo people wear. Apparently according to the Berget website Multicam is a "Desert" colour and therefore cannot be used on the woodland team. My question is; is Multicam exactly the same as MTP? And could MTP be considered to be woodland colour? If anyone has any experience or info and could enlighten me that would be fantastic!

    Cheers guys.

  • #2
    Re: Berget- Multicam or MTP...?

    MTP is multicam colours in a DPM style pattern.

    So, MTP will be classed by the site same as MC.... at a distance you'd be hard pushed to tell the two apart!


    • #3
      Re: Berget- Multicam or MTP...?

      However, MTP is nearly impossible to get legally/officially, and when it does make an appearence its somewhat expensive, last lot I saw was about 200 quid for the set.
      section 24 of the 1968 Act
      Supplying imitation firearms to minors
      1)It is an offence for a person under the age of eighteen to purchase an imitation firearm
      2)It is an offence to sell an imitation firearm to a person under the age of eighteen.


      • #4
        Re: Berget- Multicam or MTP...?

        Multicam is not mtp. Multicam is made by Crye. Britfor looked at multicam but decided to go for their own stuff. Plenty of stuff on the net about it.
        Multicam aims to combine the desert and green to work in arid and green environments.
        You may well be able to pick up 2nd hand mtp in the new year once the guys who are out at the moment get back.

        Originally posted by Savaged Wolf

        Snowdrop - hes quiet but always there ! like a jedi


        • #5
          Re: Berget- Multicam or MTP...?

          MTP is made if I remember rightly on licence from Crye as it is heavily based on multicam, I think its made by a brit company under licence from Crye, which in the grand scheme of things still makes it property of Crye, hence we wont see it on an airsoft field in cheaper replica format for a while, not until Viper or another company decides they can foot a massive sueing from Crye to give us replica stuff (and making a tidy profit).

          Also you might find its still being trialed and not all regiments have it, and most of the British armed forces havent even seen it.
          section 24 of the 1968 Act
          Supplying imitation firearms to minors
          1)It is an offence for a person under the age of eighteen to purchase an imitation firearm
          2)It is an offence to sell an imitation firearm to a person under the age of eighteen.


          • #6
            Re: Berget- Multicam or MTP...?

            There is a site I've seen which says it's "100% Crye Precision Multicam", made by a company called "PROPPER", don't know if it's suppose to be MTP (it probably isn't, although it does advertise that it's for use as MTP by the British army...). This is realitively cheap though at about £80 for the shirt and trousers... Although on reflection of what you guys have said, it sounds like this is just multicam and not actually MTP at all...


            • #7
              Re: Berget- Multicam or MTP...?

              Almost certainly "plain" Multicam. Some sites are selling multicam acessories such as rank slides and patches to go with the MTP, but it won't be for a while before you see cheap MTP. For that to happen ALL of the armed services would have to adopt it as they do DPM now, and it would have to have been around for at least another 2-3 years so that you can find in different condtions, and even made by major UK manufactureres like Tatchreed. And even then you can bet your life that they'll still try to jack up the prices for even used kit at surplus shops because "HURR it's a supa rare collector's item, mate".


              • #8
                Re: Berget- Multicam or MTP...?

                Back to the original question.

                I think it is pretty safe to say with MTOP and Mulitcam being so similar (apart from up real close) they would be on the same team.


                • #9
                  Re: Berget- Multicam or MTP...?

                  Originally posted by Abbadon101 View Post
                  Back to the original question.

                  I think it is pretty safe to say with MTOP and Mulitcam being so similar (apart from up real close) they would be on the same team.
                  Thank you, this does answer the question. Will have to stick with WDPM for the foreseeable then. Cheers guys for all your help.


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                  Mattplus Find out more about Mattplus