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Use of RIF in your own back garden?

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  • Use of RIF in your own back garden?

    Hey guys,
    so 2 months passed and with my minumum participation in my local skirmish site reached, i am picking up my M4 tomorrow! happy days! :D

    Finaly i will be able to tune it up lil bit, but was wondering if i can freely use it in my back garden? i have 2m high fences and my garden is more that 30m long, so its ideal for target practicing... but quite few neighbours can see me and my back garden from their 2nd floor rooms. Can i expect cops turning up to my house?

    Many Thanks

  • #2
    Re: Use of RIF in your own back garden?

    Your free to shoot it in your back garden

    but if you have nosey neighbours or people in flats that can easily watch you id beware.

    retarded how we have every right to fire our RIFS,IFS and even air rifles in our back garden yet we have to live in fear that some retarded is gonna call armed response on us


    • #3
      Re: Use of RIF in your own back garden?

      Thanks for such a quick reply!
      No flats around me, just 5 neighbouring houses that have some or limited view into my back garden and they all quite decent people that live there [well i hope so, cos you never know realy... haha]
      Well, i'll have a go and see if they checking my out with serious faces :]


      • #4
        Re: Use of RIF in your own back garden?

        I've been using mine in my back garden for years now and no complaints. Had a neighbour come around once when i borrowed a mate's blowback pistol, they got slightly scared when they saw it but then they saw the bbs by my side . Even if your neighbours do see your RIFs i'm sure they aren't dumb enough to realise it isn't real when they start spitting out balls of plastic at a pretty fast rate.


        • #5
          Re: Use of RIF in your own back garden?

          So long as none of your bbs leave your property you should be ok. Even if its a rebound and one of the neighbours spot it couold be trouble if they call her majesties finest.
          Gun tech.

          AIRSOFTERS.........Load of Balls.!


          • #6
            Re: Use of RIF in your own back garden?

            Im sort of worried about this, ive just got my Gbb m4 but really dont wanna let it rip in my garden, although i dont back onto any one, have one neighbour detached and no1 living the other side, i think people are gonna hear it and get suspicious, last thing i want is my babies being taken away? Now i know how bad mothers feel.


            • #7
              Re: Use of RIF in your own back garden?

              i really wouldn't use it in an environment where any member of the public can see what you're doing.

              It takes a lot to explain what you are doing to an armed responce unit at an organized event.. never mind in a residential back garden!

              seriously, as tempting as it maybe, it's not worth it!


              • #8
                Re: Use of RIF in your own back garden?

                Iv'e shot into my garden from my window, and had a guy about 200 metres away scream 'Put the F****** gun away!' I pooped myself and ran away......


                • #9
                  Re: Use of RIF in your own back garden?

                  Originally posted by Apurturesci View Post
                  Iv'e shot into my garden from my window, and had a guy about 200 metres away scream 'Put the F****** gun away!' I pooped myself and ran away......
                  Lol, i think thats what worries me, people actually noticing, not the fact of what he/she will say to me, but what they will say to the police lol, dont get me wrong i cant resist a shot up the garden, but after a few rounds i realise what im doing and start to get paranoid... then put em away!


                  • #10
                    Re: Use of RIF in your own back garden?

                    Especially with GBBs. They make my whole sleepy neighbourhood echo. Always cringe when I hear the resonating crack.


                    • #11
                      You are using a perfectly legal RIF on your own personal property.
                      I for one dont see the problem, AEG or GBB even the noseyest of neighbours should be aware that these things arent making the usual ear splitting bang and ripping holes in your garden fence.
                      If i had a back garden neighbours or not i wouldnt have the slightest problem using my weapons in it.
                      And if the idiots did call pc plod then id be happy to show them exactly what im using, because i would be 99% happy they can do sod all about it.


                      • #12
                        Re: Use of RIF in your own back garden?

                        Safest bet is to err on the side of courtesy and speak to your neighbours and explain its an airsoft weopon, maybe even invite them to have a nose at it, if they know what yer doing their less likey to object/get worried.

                        personally i dont have that problem cos i aint got a garden big enough to use my stuff, so i keep it all at man-down dragons house cos his garden is nye on infinate and the neighbours all know they skirmish and dont batter an eyelid :D


                        • #13
                          Re: Use of RIF in your own back garden?

                          150ft long garden.. check.
                          150ft long neighbors garden... check
                          shed full of guns... check
                          Neighbors aware that i skirmish and shoot in the garden regulary... check
                          Police informed that i own an assortment of bb guns and have persmission to fire in my & my neighbors garden... Check

                          It NEVER hurts to inform neighbors and your local bobby of this. If you have permission from you immediate neighbors there is absolutly nothing the cops can do, also letting the old bill know what you own and showing then a site licence puts the police on YOUR side*

                          **i might have just got lucky with a decent copper.

                          The Urban Assault Social Group on ZeroIn


                          • #14
                            Re: Use of RIF in your own back garden?

                            I wish someone would clarify the law on this. IIRC, you can't fire an air rifle within 50ft of a public highway so maybe that will apply to airsoft too? Anyone know?


                            • #15
                              Re: Use of RIF in your own back garden?

                              Just to make extra sure at my old house in Bristol, I bought an extra front hanguard for my G36 and sprayed it bright green. Wouldn't have helped me legally but helped assure anyone unexpected seeing me that it wasn't real.
                              "For us, it keeps parenting essentials, a phone, a digital SLR camera and pistol magazines all neatly organised and accessible" - 5.11 Review

                              'Basically, Airsoft is Prom Night' - Brother Captain Ryan


                              About the Author


                              Snot Shot Find out more about Snot Shot