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How do YOU rear-wire YOUR M4?

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  • How do YOU rear-wire YOUR M4?

    Hey guys,

    after getting myself a new rear wired V2 gearbox, with rear wiring, and already having a clubfoot crane stock, how do I sort out the wiring?

    At the moment I would have it come out of the rear of the receiver, through the hole in the sling plate, and then have them dangling. While the battery would be in the crane stock, and the two would connect between the stock and the receiver, somewhere near the outside of the stock tube.

    Thing is, thats not very nice looking, and is just asking for the wires to get snagged on something and ripped out of the gearbox/battery.

    So I was just wandering what methods you guys use to hide your wires!

  • #2
    Re: How do YOU rear-wire YOUR M4?

    you can get a half width nut to fit in the stock tube and wire it down the tube
    trading WE M16A1 for CYMA or RS SVD with PSOP


    • #3
      And then drill a hole through the stock tube?


      • #4
        Re: How do YOU rear-wire YOUR M4?

        Like this:


        • #5
          Re: How do YOU rear-wire YOUR M4?

          OK. was hoping to not have to drill holes in things but looks like that will have to be the way! Not enough room in the stock tube to fit my crane stock battery so perhaps going down the lipo route would be easier. Any other methods?


          About the Author


          Boo-Sabum Ben Instructor & Umpire with the International Taekwon-Do Federation Find out more about Boo-Sabum Ben