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customisimg my ICS MP5

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  • customisimg my ICS MP5

    well basically i already have a modified SA80, but all of the work that has been done on it has been done by RWC and a mate, which means i havent learnt anything.

    i was interested in where people get parts from. i have an MP5, it fires very nicely, but would like to give it a few choice mods to make it that bit special. it already has all metal gears, and a tightbore.

    what i am asking basically is, can i go to a site which is airsoftish and has something to do with wolves that are red and buy a systema lower receiver for instance, with all the systema internals, or do i have to buy ICS specific parts? are the connectors/mechanical components between the 2 really different or compatible?

    if i cant use these then where can i get parts?

    cheers guys!

  • #2
    Re: customisimg my ICS MP5

    Systems wise, no. You can get an energy gearbox made by systema for it? But I've are pretty good onthier mp5s so I'd stick with that and go for a hop rubber instead for way performance increases.
    Other than that, choice mods would be 3 round burst via MOSFET or ascu, then a cocking tube ics laser, and surefire torch grip
    KSC MP7A1 (Tw)
    mix'n'match M4
    Maruzen P99


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    ninjasam im bored. Find out more about ninjasam