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L96 speedloader TM

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  • L96 speedloader TM

    What is the best speed loader to use with the TM l96?

  • #2
    Re: L96 speedloader TM

    Any speedloader, small pistol type loader or large M4 mag style loader I would imagine, if of course it doesn't have a feed-lip.

    Question best asked in the Advice & New Players section

    EDIT: Just remembered it's got a funny way of chambering rounds. Erm... Fingers?


    • #3
      Re: L96 speedloader TM

      You say that, but I have a pistol type loader and it is hard to use with the l96 mags.


      • #4
        Re: L96 speedloader TM

        you can get a little plastic box thing that slots on the end of your speed loader, they come with tm aep`s they also work great on most sniper mags


        • #5
          Re: L96 speedloader TM

          RPK i use a TM 120round speedloader for my L96 mags, it requires more pressure than like a midcap m4 mag but still works fine, I have tried cheaper speedloaders and they just dont like the each pressure needed and end up braking.


          p.s. Dont use cheap bb's also. I tried with some bb king/pro balls and they just wouldnt fit in the mag. Blasters or Marui i use.


          • #6
            Re: L96 speedloader TM

            Nothing is the correct answer. They dont even come with a crappy tube style loaders. Load by hand awkwardly is the answer. Whatever you can manage with a normal speedloader is literally as good as it gets.

            Guess its another reason to make those shots count.


            • #7
              Re: L96 speedloader TM

              Okay thanks for all the help. Ill buy one and see what happens.


              • #8
                Re: L96 speedloader TM

                Moved to advice.

                If you are looking at buying one, I'd suggest the TM M16 mag style 470 round speedloader. It comes with a little adaptor for filling sidearm mags, which may (or may not) work with the L96 mags. If it doesn't work, you've got the best speedloader money can buy and it'll do for sidearm mags and mid caps etc.

                (Ie, don't buy the King Arms 470 or Dboys 470 mag style speedloader).

                Please get in touch if you want general help. Please report problematic posts.

                Take responsibility for your choices. If you break any rule in life, you should be held accountable.


                About the Author


                RPK for president. Love to airsoft whenever possible ,but Saturday school is a bitch! Find out more about RPK for president.