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TM AUG to buy or not to buy?

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  • TM AUG to buy or not to buy?

    As above really, firstly its TM so its a winner there, but i'm still more inclined to play it safe and buy a G&P M4. Just want to know peoples opinion.

    Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    Re: TM AUG to buy or not to buy?

    Originally posted by themegaouch View Post
    As above really, firstly its TM so its a winner there, but i'm still more inclined to play it safe and buy a G&P M4. Just want to know peoples opinion.

    Thanks in advance.
    I had a look at one of these on sunday at ****** ***** that was for sale, not my thing but still very nice. im not a fan of normal M4's or the AUG but I think the M4 is better looking and gives you tons & tons of options.

    So if i were shopping it would be the M4


    • #3
      Re: TM AUG to buy or not to buy?

      But remember, Everyone has a m4. Aug's are rare and look the part. My advice, buy the aug to be different.


      • #4
        Re: TM AUG to buy or not to buy?

        aug everytime .Although theres less scope on aftermarket extras it a fantastic platform, And with a little inginuity you can do all sorts. But this is coming from an aug lover ,and an AR dissliker (hates a bit of a strong word )


        • #5
          Re: TM AUG to buy or not to buy?

          AUG :3 They just feel so natural to use.


          • #6
            Re: TM AUG to buy or not to buy?

            Originally posted by Apurturesci View Post
            AUG :3 They just feel so natural to use.
            yep the ergonomics of the aug is alot more natural than the standard AR platform.


            • #7
              Re: TM AUG to buy or not to buy?

              I would say the AUG also. I like my M4, G36 and HK416 but the AUG is just.... Awesome. Need some more mags for it though, 3 hi caps is crap.
              The trouble with quotes on the internet is that it's difficult to discern whether or not they are genuine. - Abraham Lincoln


              • #8
                Re: TM AUG to buy or not to buy?

                The world and his brother has an M4, get the Aug, very cool.
                Stand out from the crowd.


                • #9
                  Re: TM AUG to buy or not to buy?

                  Held a RS Aug and they are beauitful then and in airsoft
                  Aug all the way mate


                  • #10
                    Re: TM AUG to buy or not to buy?

                    AUG's are made of win
                    Every noddy and his cat has or has owned an M4 at some point


                    • #11
                      Re: TM AUG to buy or not to buy?

                      I've got a G36 being shipped in to use as a starter gun, but I'd be very interested in an AUG later down the line.

                      They look funky, especially in a CQB setup with a shorty barrel. Emailed some of the stores a week ago (including zero one) about them sourcing a new TM AUG Civvie and got no response

                      So if anyones got one they are thinking of getting rid of that's in decent nick, and they won't be getting rid of it for a few months, I'll be looking :P (unlikely I know).


                      • #12
                        Re: TM AUG to buy or not to buy?

                        Hell yes to the AUG. Sporting a TM Military myself and I love it, it's a beast.

                        Originally posted by Lonewolf873
                        Mods can you please edit the title to shirt as I'm sure 5.11 don't sell shits.


                        • #13
                          Re: TM AUG to buy or not to buy?

                          The AUG is a lego gun. I'd make full use of that if I had one, and I plan to get one in the future.

                          1. Buy a TM AUG with integrated scope
                          2. Source a CA/JG A2 (JG call it an A1) upper receiver for it. It will fit the TM.
                          3. Source a CQB length outer & inner barrel
                          4. You now have 4 different available configurations (A1 Std. Length, CQB. A2 Std length, CQB.) AUG A2, CBQ barrel and run an EOtech on that, it looks and is awesome. Carry them all in a bag of your choice into the skirmish and make full use of your lego guns features.
                          5. ????
                          6. Profit.

                          That's what I would do, and if you're going to shell out for the TM AUG then buying those extra bits isn't going to be that much more, and the options available to you have suddenly increased alot. You could even get a sniper length barrel or a HBAR one. AUGs have a quick takedown feature so why not carry conversions with you onto the field and make use of it? Urban sniper can suddenly clear rooms with minimal fuss


                          • #14
                            Re: TM AUG to buy or not to buy?

                            And if you get the same battery I've got which is a large 2000mah 9.6v, it'll put out a damn good rate of fire. Mine's probably running mid to high teens on standard internals. Mine's a JG though so if it breaks, it's no big deal to me.

                            Just need to source a new gearbox as mine has lost the use of semi

                            EDIT - I should add that it's 2 and a half years old and has had around 250,000 rounds through it in the time I've had it... So it's due a few replacement parts.
                            The trouble with quotes on the internet is that it's difficult to discern whether or not they are genuine. - Abraham Lincoln


                            • #15
                              Re: TM AUG to buy or not to buy?

                              Originally posted by helpimonfire View Post
                              And if you get the same battery I've got which is a large 2000mah 9.6v, it'll put out a damn good rate of fire.
                              How the hell did you get that to fit

                              Originally posted by Lonewolf873
                              Mods can you please edit the title to shirt as I'm sure 5.11 don't sell shits.


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                              themegaouch Find out more about themegaouch