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ares tavor dmr

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  • ares tavor dmr


    I was wondering whether it is possible to lock the tar21 to single shot and the downsides to doing it and what possible ways there are to doing that. Failing that wondering what spring would bring it down to 300fps.


  • #2
    Re: ares tavor dmr

    why would you need it single shot and 300 fps?

    a m90/m80 spring should do the job and as for single shot only use single shot instead of full auto. if you want single shot, get something that works good on single shot like a m14 socom as its smallish and great range and its 280fps! just remove the fireselecter by pulling it off, its not hard


    • #3
      Re: ares tavor dmr

      the 300fps was in case the dmr idea was a bad one. Currently its firing at 360fps thats all. Not a fan of m14s (please don't hate me).


      • #4
        Re: ares tavor dmr

        He'll want to switch it to single only as that means you can bump up the FPS to make it an effective DMR. Although I have to say, the design of the Tavor is clearly to be a compact assault rifle, rather than a long distance shooter.


        • #5
          Re: ares tavor dmr

          Well its got fantastic range and i wanted something a little different as a dmr.


          • #6
            Re: ares tavor dmr

            the tavor would do as a cqb dmr but not any were else, besides its a tragedy to lock it to single shot, get a m100 so its 340ish fps and the range wont be hurt at all, even better get a new hop rubber and you will have better range then before in most cases!


            • #7
              Re: ares tavor dmr

              Locking it to semi may be tricky. Specially when semi doesn't work properly. Zeroone are able to fix the semi auto selector issue, and perhaps they would also know how to lock it to semi. I personally think it's a great idea making into a DMR. Just because it doesn't have a long outer barrel, doesn't mean it can't be a DMR.


              • #8
                Re: ares tavor dmr

                agreed but, as i said it will be fine for using as a dmr at 340ish fps and a new hop rubber, as the range differance between 340 and 400 isnt huge except you have a minimum range you can engage at!.


                • #9
                  Re: ares tavor dmr

                  Agreed. That's a possible option. That's what i do myself with my DMR as my site limit is 350 for everything.


                  • #10
                    Re: ares tavor dmr

                    Ive put an M90 spring in mine so I can use it for cqb. Got to be honest I havent noticed a drastic drop in range through doing this, and its quick and easy to change the spring back. The standard spring on mine was around the 340FPS mark so I would assume its a M100, and to be honest I dont think increasing the FPS any higher will better the range, besides these things have a hell of range anyway (tho that is compared to my old CA M16 & HK416)
                    sigpic If you sell, buy or trade with me please remeber to leave feedback!


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