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Applying Krylon? Any tips?

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  • Applying Krylon? Any tips?

    I have always been awful at anything to do with paint, I can fit absolutely anything, upgrade and service pretty much everything however one thing I can't do is paint lol!
    Stripped my KWA glock outer barrel down with 220 sandpaper and applyed the first coat of Black Kryon, and I'll be honest it looks absolutely pants! What have I missed out? It even chips off with just your finger nail! It looks like poster paint lol!
    So obviously I have been an absolute

    Any tips?
    Team Ballin' - "It sounds dirty because it is"

  • #2
    Re: Applying Krylon? Any tips?

    Hi mate,

    the first thing to do after sanding a surface down is give it a quick wash with some soapy water-not too much soap though, you don't want bubbles all over the place (or maybe you do) to make sure it's nice and clean. Then depending on how smooth you want the surface you may want to prime it first. And remember, layer the paint in light coats- don't go heavy with a first coat as you'll get drip marks and such. You want to leave each layer until it's completely dry before moving on.

    It's a lengthy process but worth it for an ultra smooth finish.


    • #3
      Re: Applying Krylon? Any tips?

      thanks, yeah i'm after that desired silky smooth finish, seems like I have just gone far too overboard with it as I have drip marks lol! How many coats do you thinking it would take to have it finished roughly?
      Team Ballin' - "It sounds dirty because it is"


      • #4
        Re: Applying Krylon? Any tips?

        3-5 usually


        • #5
          Re: Applying Krylon? Any tips?

          It depends how lightly you apply them really, could take quite a few if you're being ultra fastidious with the coats! It's all trial and error really- you could take loads of coats for this particular venture and realise you may have needed to be a bit more free with the paint etc.

          Just take your time dude, it'll be worth it for the finish you want!


          • #6
            Re: Applying Krylon? Any tips?

            Before spraying, i rub the metal im spraying down with white spirit. Cuts through any grease i may have gotten on there during handling.


            • #7
              Re: Applying Krylon? Any tips?

              Very light coats.
              Also bear in mind it takes quite a while to become chip resistant - a week iirc.
              Others till I die


              • #8
                Re: Applying Krylon? Any tips?

                thanks for the tip hullal0 , how much do you guys rub the metal down? Just slightly or until its almost perfectly silver?
                Team Ballin' - "It sounds dirty because it is"


                • #9
                  Re: Applying Krylon? Any tips?

                  I alway use wet and dry start off @ 1000 grit and then finish off with a 1200 for a smooth finish. I then wipe down with pre paint to remove and dirt/residue

                  then i would lightly apply the first coat, let it go off (10-15mins) then give it another dusting and keep doing this until im happy with the end product

                  Tips for painting, dont hold the can too close for a start. then flick it in, so for instance start at the very left edge then flick to the right then from right to left. Never try to do it in one spray as it will look naff

                  Also you dont really need to go down to metal, a good key will normally sufice. The better the prep the better the end finish, so try to keep the sanding down even


                  • #10
                    Re: Applying Krylon? Any tips?

                    Thanks for the tips guys, took the crap first coat off and started "dusting" it from over 12 inches away. Very effective technique, it was very warm but windy outside which helped speed the drying up!
                    Team Ballin' - "It sounds dirty because it is"


                    • #11
                      Re: Applying Krylon? Any tips?

                      Originally posted by balaclava ben View Post
                      started "dusting" it from over 12 inches away. Very effective technique, it was very warm but windy outside which helped speed the drying up!
                      That's definitely the best technique in my experience. Dries real quick & leaves a good finish + no risk of 'blobbing' etc.


                      • #12
                        Re: Applying Krylon? Any tips?

                        Originally posted by Robin-Hood View Post
                        That's definitely the best technique in my experience. Dries real quick & leaves a good finish + no risk of 'blobbing' etc.
                        yeah found exactly that! i'll be honest the first time i tried i just went for the spray and pray method from about 2 inches away lol! no wonder it was awful ahha! anyone had any experience from using a super duper fine grade paper such as 2000 imbetween coats?
                        Team Ballin' - "It sounds dirty because it is"


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                        balaclava ben Lean, mean shooting machine Find out more about balaclava ben