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GBBR - CO2 or Gas?

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  • GBBR - CO2 or Gas?

    Hi guys,

    I'm shopping around for a gas blowback rifle however I cannot decide whether or not to get CO2 magazines or normal propane/green gas magazines for it?

    What are the pros and cons of CO2 (peoples' experiences that is, not marketing blurb)? I know propane is going to be cheaper to buy and use than the small CO2 bulbs which the guns tend to guzzle, but does CO2 offer better performance?

    Sorry if there is already a thread open for this BTW, I will not be offended if the thread is closed down. (Nazis) :D


    Last edited by Olphy; 27 August, 2011, 00:21.
    - GHK AK74MN - GHK AUG A1 - Secutor Gladius 17 - WE MG36 HPA -

  • #2
    Re: GBBR - CO2 or Gas?

    Defo gas. For the single reason that the majority of uk sites dont allow c02 weapons.
    And that its being phased out like 134a
    -TM Recoil M16 Custom- -TM 1911 MEU- -Tanaka SAA- -TM HK45- -JG G36k Ris-
    -ECHO1 SA58 OSW- -A&K Masada- -VFC FNX-45- -TM Recoil AKs-74u-


    • #3
      Re: GBBR - CO2 or Gas?

      depends on where you play free fire zone don't allow c02 as do a few other places however my regular sites do allow c02, if your using a we rifle then you can have an npas fitted which would result in a 350 fps gun without the unreliability of green gas due to the metal construct if you do decide to use a gas rifle the go for the g36 the plastic body means that its far more reliable than a metal rifle i hope this helps


      • #4
        Re: GBBR - CO2 or Gas?

        100% Gas. Gas all the way. Don't go for CO2 because most sites don't allow it to be used. I had to sell my CO2 powered pistol because of this problem
        Einstein said Maths doesnt exist, its just our minds trying to make sense of the universe.


        • #5
          I have both types for my WE M4 and I never use the CO2 mags at all. In fact I bought another gas mag today!

          From experience, propane = cheaper and much more reliable/consistent. And it's generally less of a ballache.


          • #6
            Oh and leaky gas mags are by far easier to fix!


            • #7
              Re: GBBR - CO2 or Gas?

              Gas it is then. Thanks all.
              - GHK AK74MN - GHK AUG A1 - Secutor Gladius 17 - WE MG36 HPA -


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              Olphy Find out more about Olphy