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Need to detune...advice please!

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  • Need to detune...advice please!

    My ICS CXP is a bit hot and tested at 398fps on saturday which meant it stayed in the bag....this was on .20g bb so obviously a heavier grade would help a bit, but what is the best way to detune it and bring it down. I was at a particularly low threshold site of 328fps but hey.

    Any advice appreciated as im no tech expert and dont want to rip it apart and balls it up


  • #2
    Re: Need to detune...advice please!

    Heavier rounds to fool a chrono? BAD BAD MAN!

    Now, with that said...

    The ICS CXP should be fairly straight forward to de-tune, it'll be a case of pulling the upper gearbox out, opening that up and changing the spring for an M90. Just to be on the safe side. You should be looking at around 300fps with an M90. My ICS M4 has a new M100 in it and chrono'd at 348fps which is just under my sites limits.
    The trouble with quotes on the internet is that it's difficult to discern whether or not they are genuine. - Abraham Lincoln


    • #3
      Re: Need to detune...advice please!

      Oh... Also... (Double post, sorry...)

      The ICS split gearbox is nice to work on. Undo the allen key'd screw on the back to loosen the spring guide, undo the screws holding the gearbox together. Best to work on a flat surface for this, a desk, table or even the floor. Possibly not a carpet though...

      Take it nice and slow and ease the halves apart, holding the cylinder down and I always keep my fingers over the spring guide, just so it doesn't kill the dog or anything. Once you get the 2 halves apart, ease the spring guide up and out, letting the tension off the spring.

      It would probably be best to get your site techie or an experience mate to do this though, as it took me nearly 9 months before I dared to open a gearbox and I only did that because I couldn't afford to pay my techie to do it for me...
      The trouble with quotes on the internet is that it's difficult to discern whether or not they are genuine. - Abraham Lincoln


      • #4
        Re: Need to detune...advice please!

        Yeah, exactly what helpimonfire said.

        Using heavier BB's to trick the chrono will get you banned from your site. Don't do it
        WANTED: Dynatec BFG.


        • #5
          Re: Need to detune...advice please!

          Thanks for that Helpimonfire!

          I appreciate the description....first stop find techi, plan B is go solo...and slow!
          The BB trick was merely an observation and clearly at 395fps i was not cheating lol.

          On the plus side i was pretty happy with the reading out the box!

          Thanks again


          • #6
            Good reading out of the box, although unusable anywhere in the UK ;-)

            As above, the ICS gearbox is the easiest to work on. Especially for a novice.

            Also look out in the classifieds for an upper gearbox. They come up fairly regularly and already downgraded. That way you can replace your old one easily and practice working on your old gearbox without ruining your gun!


            • #7
              Re: Need to detune...advice please!

              Haha yeah, shame as i was looking forward to unleashing the power lol

              Thats a good tip mate, i will do that as i want to know what im doing but without ruining what i have!
              Cheers for that.


              • #8
                Re: Need to detune...advice please!

                Just so we're sure on this. No heavier BBs!!! It might slow down the fps but as the mass goes up, so does the penetration power/potential energy!

                And there is some sound advice above. I'd say give it a crack yourself, but make sure you do it nice and slow and take note of everything your doing for putting it back together/if you need to open it up again!

                But when in doubt, chicken out and get someone else to do it for you!


                • #9
                  Re: Need to detune...advice please!

                  Cheers, just be clear i never actually tried the heavier bb was purely to show my total lack of tech know how on this. Plus i would need seriously heavy bb's to drop as much as i need!

                  Im going to have a go and if it fails im sure the local shop can fix!


                  • #10
                    Re: Need to detune...advice please!

                    ah you are in london, i would gladly change the spring for you...ive got 3 ics m4s

                    LOOKING FOR: S&W N-frame holster
                    trader feedback


                    • #11
                      Re: Need to detune...advice please!

                      Thanks mate!
                      i may have to take you up on that offer.

                      pm me where you are and contact details if you dont mind. Im prob not skirmishing again til after xmas but once i have the spring i would appreciate the help


                      • #12
                        Re: Need to detune...advice please!

                        run a couple of thousand rounds down rage with it see if it calms down a bit and then replace the spring maybe ask other cxp owners what they are using spring wise.


                        • #13
                          Re: Need to detune...advice please!

                          The man above has a point that made me remember something. When I worked in an airsoft shop, we had a couple cxp's in stock and all of them chrono'd at 380fps or more. Highest was 422! This is due to ics shipping certain guns with m120 springs for some reason.
                          The trouble with quotes on the internet is that it's difficult to discern whether or not they are genuine. - Abraham Lincoln


                          • #14
                            Re: Need to detune...advice please!

                            Originally posted by helpimonfire View Post
                            The man above has a point that made me remember something. When I worked in an airsoft shop, we had a couple cxp's in stock and all of them chrono'd at 380fps or more. Highest was 422! This is due to ics shipping certain guns with m120 springs for some reason.
                            think they are for the american market as they have higher fps rules.


                            • #15
                              Re: Need to detune...advice please!

                              Well i was impressed but shame its too hot for any site....

                              I will change the spring and see how i go, have my mp5k pdw as a back up so its not a big deal. It would appear i may have one of the m120 versions so that would explain its fps.

                              Thanks for all the advice on this one, will give an update once its sorted just incase anyone has similar issue and wants a solution.



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                              killerosco Find out more about killerosco