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Cobra MT975 PMR issue..

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  • Cobra MT975 PMR issue..

    Going halves with one of my team mates, as you do, I bought a set of Cobra MT975 radios! Now, upon getting them out today, it seems that one of them is not a happy bunny! I have had them about 6 months, so returning them isn't an option!

    When it turns on, the radio is permanently receiving. It will transmit to the other radio, but there is always the sound of static coming from the radio. The settings do not seem to have changed at all, it has just developed the problem.

    The issue is definitely on this specific radio, as it happens regardless of location or whether the other radio is turned off. It is almost as if the sensitivity has gone through the roof, or there is a hardware fault.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • #2
    Nobody else has encountered this then?


    • #3
      Re: Cobra MT975 PMR issue..

      Assuming it's not a setting and they are only six months old return them for replacement?
      Originally posted by Fenriz
      I deliberately and maliciously gun for anyone running a boxmag in any weapon that's not a proper support weapon. It's sick and wrong, and people that do it should be put on a register...


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      Hopewell Find out more about Hopewell