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Is This Safe?????

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  • Is This Safe?????

    Hi thee basically its the night before a skimish and I bought an imax b6 charger to charge me eagle 6 7.4v 3300mah lipo sopmod battery. However they did not supply the right fricken connectors, so If I cant charge my battery I cant go tomorrow. However I have connected crocodile clips to the taymina connector as shown below and the charger says the connection is connected perfectly and is charging it, it has also got the voltage of the battery correct. Howevr is this a safe way to charge the battery and will it damage it. Many thanks

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  • #2
    Re: Is This Safe?????

    i might have put a small piece of card between the clips on the off chance they move, to prevent them shorting out, but apart from that theres no problem there. i also wouldn't do it on carpet btw, even when your not using a lipo batt always charge on something fireproof just in case.

    edit: i also bought this charger this week and havnt got the correct leads, i have had some made up by a friend as i don't want to bodge a lipo charge =P
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    • #3
      Re: Is This Safe?????

      Thank god was getting rather worried and yeah I keep it in a lipo gaurd bag when charging I just took it out for the camera.


      • #4
        Re: Is This Safe?????

        If crocodile clips are good enough for car batteries I think they should be fine for our little batteries...


        • #5
          Re: Is This Safe?????

          I recon that is perfectly safe, as long as the croc clips dont slip (as mentioned above) or it may short circuit it!

          Because, I may seem silly, but I can't think of any other reason for croc-clips to be included without the sole purpose of charging anything they can connect to?


          • #6
            Re: Is This Safe?????

            if it hasnt set on fire then its probably safe


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