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JG BAR10 upgrades

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  • JG BAR10 upgrades

    Hi all

    Wanted people's advice/opinions on upgrades.

    Most people have said to go with PDI or Laylax but PDI are expensive and Laylax are expensive and like rocking horse poo to find.

    I have heard of other Manufactures like SHS, Deepfire and Action Army but are the any good??

    I know that SHS are Chinese made and a lot cheaper but do you loose quality as I can get both sears for £30 (SHS and steel) or both sears steel Deepfire for £40

    I am also aware that I will need to modify the trigger box on the BAR10 with a file in certain areas!

    All comments welcome

    Thanks in advance

  • #2
    There's a very long thread with hundreds of posts about this in the sniper tech forum.

    Also, the SHS sear set is very good.


    • #3
      Re: JG BAR10 upgrades

      You get what you pay for, upgrading any gun - doubley so for a sniper rifle - "on the cheap" isnt generally a good option.


      • #4
        Re: JG BAR10 upgrades

        Why is this in this section? Go to the technical advice section, there's even a stickied thread on upgrades!

        However, go with EdGI/Polarstar with Laylax if you can get hold of the parts, but if you're looking at straight Laylax or straight PDI, go with PDI.

        Also, do not mix and match PDI parts with Laylax parts.
        Originally posted by psirus101
        I once got a player 100+ metres away by just pointing my finger and shouting "PEW PEW PEW". He took his ****ing hit!


        About the Author


        WenchBayne Find out more about WenchBayne