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club mafia

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  • club mafia

    i have been playing for about a year now,i go to a club that is not massive but has about 40 members,last time i played we had to take a small wooden building,everyone else in the team was probing the defencive positions so i thought o.k sneeky beeky time,i crawled through all kinds of hedges and so on to get as close as i could to the target,once there i listened and waited for the players(all long time club members )to group together once this happened i made my move,i came at them from behind and said"bang bang bang bang"very clean cut took the building no problem.that wasn"t how the club membrs saw it one of them said "you didn"t say enough bangs"and then they started arguing with me over who was gone and who was not.the marshall standing not 8 foot away(who is a club member) then told me that he didnt see it happen so he couldnt say.i said to them o.k next time no bang bang just a full mag instead,they then complaned about this as do long time club members expect to keep skirmishng going if they act like this.this is not a reflection on all long term club members(as most are helpful and quick to point you in the right direction).some think they are too good to be taken out this way.that we won so there you go "happy hunting"

  • #2
    Re: club mafia

    I think that one bang is enough for everyone in the vicinity.

    I'm a Marshall at The Ex Site in North Wales, I think one bang shout is enough for a group of people clumped together. Shouting 'bang bang bang bang bang' sounds silly and do players expect us to count how many players there are in front of us?

    I'm not sure how our site master feels about bang kills but our guys are a fair lot. Last time, there were about 5 people in one of our new structures on top of a hill. I was outside the structure and behind it, shooting towards the same direction my team mates inside were shooting.

    A player ran up the hill and got close to the structure without getting shot. He bang killed everyone inside and nobody argued. After that, I appeared from behind the structure (didn't bang kill me because he didn't see me, I was behind and outside it) and looked over. I would've bang killed him, but I heard players shouting 'Aren't you dead?' so I was confused and looked over in the confusion.

    He bang killed me too in the end, haha. But yeah, everyone took one bang kill as enough. Fair is fair No arguements that way.


    • #3
      Re: club mafia

      hehe the other month at a site i go to my camping failed epicly and the enemt all ran up towards my team leaving me about 300 meters out off the action i had to go all the way back and then bang killed evrey one i could until i was friendly fired on by some kid who was blind firing i had to bang peeple individuely but know one had a clue i was there
      Pure Plastic Pwnage


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