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tw@t's on the field .. :)

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  • Re: tw@t's on the field ..

    I use the rule that if you politely inquire as to the team of an unknown player and he doesn't reply.. shoot him

    My sites rule about team challenges is you don't have to reply but if you do you have to tell the truth
    Fire Team Zulu
    Find us on FaceBook - Fire Team Zulu Airsoft


    • Re: tw@t's on the field ..

      My site says that if you are challenged you don't have to answer if your nicely dug in and properly hidden and its taken you 10 min to advance without being spotted

      But if you do get challenged to a colour confirmation and you want to have a shoot out you cannot lie as to what colour you are

      Sent from the toilet whilst having a dump


      • Re: tw@t's on the field ..

        Yeah same, our rules are if confronted, you are not allowed to lie but you also do not have to answer

        If they don't answer, you are completely in your rights to shoot and if they complain then its really their own fault for not answering
        But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
        I have spread my dreams under your feet;
        Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.


        • Re: tw@t's on the field ..

          I prefer it that way.
          People will still rage if you challenge them, they ignore you, and you bound the room and friendly fire.
          But hey.
          Nobody dies right...


          • Re: tw@t's on the field ..

            Colour challenge rules as above. You can elect to not answer but never lie.


            • Re: tw@t's on the field ..

              Don't even have them as a rule. We employ a things called "tactical awareness" and "communication".

              If you are unsure, shoot them. If they turn out to be on your team, you should try working together as a team that little bit harder! (We play with a "naked" team without I.D. Armbands and a "Banditos" team who wear a band on each arm)


              • Re: tw@t's on the field ..

                Sometimes the stupidity of airsofters amazes me

                a few examples:-

                My gun isn't shooting, well if you hadn't used it as a walking stick and ended up with half a field up the barrel maybe it would

                Full SWAT uniform including respirator on one of the hottest days of the year, no fluids and then surprised when he collapses with heat exhaustion

                Having a full screaming match at a bush cause it won't take its hits

                Screaming at a player "dead men don't talk" as the player he shot shouts "dead man walking"

                Asking how you make a pot noodle

                Looking down a barrel of a gun, mag in, battery connected to see if it's blocked

                Taking off eye protection in the field but it's ok cause I can't see any of the enemy

                At least a grands worth of kit, yet only one battery that would struggle to power a smoke detector and not even charged

                Eight high cap mags and not a single bb in any of them, only discovered at the other end of the site, a good ten minutes from the safe zone

                Thinking a pair of nike trainers is sufficient in a woodland site in the middle of winter

                and the list could go on


                • Re: tw@t's on the field ..

                  Originally posted by loki7491 View Post
                  Don't even have them as a rule. We employ a things called "tactical awareness" and "communication".

                  If you are unsure, shoot them. If they turn out to be on your team, you should try working together as a team that little bit harder! (We play with a "naked" team without I.D. Armbands and a "Banditos" team who wear a band on each arm)
                  and yet ol' Chad manages to lace up his team mates!
                  Damn Brad, what else you got hidden in the humvee - a fat chick?


                  • Re: tw@t's on the field ..

                    Went and did the decent thing this week, and apologised to a lad who had to shoot me 3 times with his pistol from 25-30m away. I get it myself as I run a low powered gun quite often, sometimes guys just don't feel it, but if I want airsoft to be played to a good standard, got to set the example myself, so over I went to make my apologies.

                    Unfortunately it turned out the lad was a twit of the first order, a lad who I've come across a few times: mouthy, convinced he is a super-l33t-operator, even though he appears to be in his 20s but gets dropped off to skirmish by his parents apparently. But you know, still have to do the right thing, so I press on with my apology.

                    Long story short, he doesn't accept my apology or explanation, tells me his pistol is plenty powerful enough to be felt and proceeds to give me a shot in the thigh from 3m away just to show how powerful it is. The false comparison of a shot from 3m to a shot 10 times that distance didn't seem to occur to him, or the notion that shooting someone, especially a stranger, in the leg after end-ex might not be acceptable behaviour.

                    I'm sorry, but this kind of bellendry makes me want to flip my shizzle. But alas I'm handicapped with a strong desire to make the world a better place by setting an example of decency, which in these circumstances conflicts with a strong desire to rid the world of semi-autistic man-children, perhaps with some kind of giant food blender, I haven't yet decided.


                    • Re: tw@t's on the field ..

                      Originally posted by Figjam View Post
                      Went and did the decent thing this week, and apologised to a lad who had to shoot me 3 times with his pistol from 25-30m away. I get it myself as I run a low powered gun quite often, sometimes guys just don't feel it, but if I want airsoft to be played to a good standard, got to set the example myself, so over I went to make my apologies.

                      Unfortunately it turned out the lad was a twit of the first order, a lad who I've come across a few times: mouthy, convinced he is a super-l33t-operator, even though he appears to be in his 20s but gets dropped off to skirmish by his parents apparently. But you know, still have to do the right thing, so I press on with my apology.

                      Long story short, he doesn't accept my apology or explanation, tells me his pistol is plenty powerful enough to be felt and proceeds to give me a shot in the thigh from 3m away just to show how powerful it is. The false comparison of a shot from 3m to a shot 10 times that distance didn't seem to occur to him, or the notion that shooting someone, especially a stranger, in the leg after end-ex might not be acceptable behaviour.

                      I'm sorry, but this kind of bellendry makes me want to flip my shizzle. But alas I'm handicapped with a strong desire to make the world a better place by setting an example of decency, which in these circumstances conflicts with a strong desire to rid the world of semi-autistic man-children, perhaps with some kind of giant food blender, I haven't yet decided.

                      If I was marshalling and saw it, that's an immediate ban and down the lane you go to wait for your mummy to pick you up


                      • Re: tw@t's on the field ..

                        Sorry but I'd have punched that mug straight in the jaw and accept a ban from that site

                        Sent from the toilet whilst having a dump


                        • Re: tw@t's on the field ..

                          I'd have pushed that pistol right up his 'arris, no two ways about it.
                          There's a scammer operating openly on this forum. Please be aware of who you're dealing with.


                          • Re: tw@t's on the field ..

                            Originally posted by BAMF View Post
                            I'd have pushed that pistol right up his 'arris, no two ways about it.
                            I'd save that for his mum when she picks him up for raising such a bastard

                            Sent from the toilet whilst having a dump


                            • Re: tw@t's on the field ..

                              Thanks guys. The therapeutic value of this thread is much under-estimated: I'm feeling much better now.


                              • Re: tw@t's on the field ..

                                To hell with making the world a better place! I'd have marched his teeth in open order.
                                I got angry just reading that.

                                So much for being a well balanced individual.


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