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SIG. Image Sizes

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  • SIG. Image Sizes

    I don't mean to be a grouch here, but there are some signature images on here that are epic in vertical size... Is there no restriction on this, and if there is, how about tightening it down a wee bit?

  • #2
    Re: SIG. Image Sizes

    I'm not even joking... I've got a really high res. screen and some of the signature images on here take up over 200 pixels of vertical space... That combined with the massive avatars means even a one line post an take up well over 500 pixels of scroll...

    I've got an RSI from bloody scrolling.


    • #3
      Re: SIG. Image Sizes

      Especially when I cant get four lines onto my sig. Takes up way less space than some sig images, and I wanted to be all sophisticated sounding! :p

      Edit: although I do have a Moliere quote on there at the moment so I probably have already hit my pretentious tw*t quota.


      • #4
        Re: SIG. Image Sizes

        As an alternative you can choose not to have the signatures displayed


        • #5
          Re: SIG. Image Sizes

          Is that the official line or would anyone look in to an official limit? I know this has been mentioned in the past but seems to have not been an issue until recently
          Don't make me break out the 'big sig' again
          Originally posted by Nun-Chuck
          I'm down every games day at EAG buddy just give me a shout and I'll whip it out, can have a squeeze too if you like.
          Originally posted by deanfirst
          why not use zeroone's escort service?


          • #6
            Re: SIG. Image Sizes

            There are signature size limits in place, what they are I can not remember and I currently do not have access to that part of the admin panel. I do remember them being fairly strict, however old signatures that were imported would already be over the limit, and custom images aren't always read by the forum software correctly and it returns as an acceptable size despite being 1024x768.

            I am and have been looking at add-ons/mods to the forum software to change this.

            In the mean time if you spot any overly sized signatures then please PM me about it and I will look into it.



            • #7
              Re: SIG. Image Sizes

              Originally posted by Fizzy View Post
              Is that the official line or would anyone look in to an official limit? I know this has been mentioned in the past but seems to have not been an issue until recently
              Don't make me break out the 'big sig' again
              Nope just a idea if it was causing him problems


              • #8
                Re: SIG. Image Sizes

                Could we possibly have more lines/characters? Even four lines/more characters would take up less space than a sig (of your size) for example.


                • #9
                  Re: SIG. Image Sizes

                  I would prefer to be allowed more html, as currently the limit is put on characters, and this actually makes me take up more space....

                  I only wanted one line in my sig, with hyperlinked sales bits, but because the code was too long I had to have four lines.

                  So that would be an idea...More room for code so we can make it look sleeker, and actually take less space
                  Old Feedback:


                  About the Author


                  B.E.N. Intensive airsofter and forum heckler. I like dismantling stuff. Find out more about B.E.N.