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New Player's FAQ

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  • New Player's FAQ


    I realised recently that there are a number of questions that I have heard repeated over the last few years, and not all of them are as pointless as 'which gun am bestest'.

    I have tried to find a relevant topic with the search function to point people to, but often find myself being forced to repeat myself or leave it to other people to (presumably) repeat themselves.

    Therefore, I would like to propose a stickied topic in the New Players Advice section for an FAQ. Essentially one post containing all the most common and usually basic questions regarding things such as;

    battery charging (the topic that gave me the idea)
    BB weight choice
    FPS upgrades (gun upgrades in general... hop, barrel, motor, battery, and their effect on gun performance)
    Brief pros and cons of gas vs electric vs spring
    Barrel/gun cleaning

    Possibly a summary of the implications of VRCA/UKARA, only in the depth to which someone wanting to join the sport and buy equipment would need to know.

    I'm sure there are other questions that I've not considered. The key principal of this is to provide a first point of call for anyone with the kind of questions most new players have, and save the rest of the new players forum for more unusual questions, or those that require a more in depth answer (for instance the acronyms thread we already have).

    I would very much like to hear from the Mods with their thoughts on this, and its feasibility. I would also like to hear any other user's opinions; perhaps a poll might be in order since we're probably in an electoral mood.

    Thank you.

  • #2
    Re: New Player's FAQ

    I think I came up with something similar before, although it was more simply 'what gun am bestust' based.

    The general consensus is that new players won't bother to read such a thing, they'll be too lazy and think it's alright to just post a question and pretend they've searched for it and not found it or something.

    Good idea, but the newbs hardly ever bother to read it. How many newbs are we constantly reminding of the rules? If they don't even read them... get what I'm saying?
    Formerly 'Waltzinblack' but thought it was time to incorporate my Team callsign into my name


    • #3
      Re: New Player's FAQ

      Stickies never get used.

      Though a good idea, a waste of the persons time as it wont get read. Plus when you get down to the law section, you need to know what your talking about. Most don't.


      • #4
        Re: New Player's FAQ

        Will bring it up with the Admin, but pretty much what the above to posts say is correct. We have a possible alternative on the drawing boards.
        Last edited by Sci Fi Steve; 12 May, 2010, 08:51.


        • #5
          Re: New Player's FAQ

          Thank you for the comments.

          I'm aware it seems most people dont read stickies, and my only counter argument is that surely its better to have something to link people to, than to just repeat the same information over and over?

          My main concern (based on the most recent topic of batteries) is that often people seem to answer questions with misinformed answers. Obviously this is the internet, so that is par for the course, but something that could be avoided to an extent with an FAQ with verified/agreed answers. You never know, people may even find the answer to a question they hadn't thought of while they were there.


          • #6
            Re: New Player's FAQ

            Why not have, as the very top board, a new players thread. Move general airsoft discussion further down the page, and make the top section a new players section.

            Could be something like this:

            VCRA and The Law relating to airsoft - Inside, all VCRA threads, and a sticky with the law.
            New Players Guns - To contain 'which gun am bestest'.
            New Players kit - Pretty obvious...
            New Players gun upgrading - There are already stickies on this subject somewhere within the depths of the forum.
            New players Questions - A place for asking questions not relevant to the other sections.

            Then move General discussion further down the page, along with Tech, battle stories, tactics etc.

            The reason General Discussion takes the brunt, is that its the first thing people see, and the fact its GENERAL DISCUSSION means everybody thinks its a place for anything to go. By removing this a little further down the page, new players will see the first section, realise its ideal for them, and hopefully leave the general discussion for thing that are...well...general!

            Edit to add: I dont mind writing a few pieces up, such as battery charging, VCRA etc. Ive already done a massive VCRA thread, and could shorten it a little. These could then be stickied in the relevant sections. Like has been said, at least then there can be a solid, permanent thread dedicated to such things. Once theyve been edited, and are perfect, lock them down maybe?


            • #7
              Re: New Player's FAQ

              Well I would avoid any sort of bestest posts, as with all previous threads of the type, it is all subjective and down to personnel Playing Style/Taste/Budget.

              As for guides for charging, Starting Kit/what do I need to skirmish VCRA/Two tones. Guides to Upgrading don't see an issue with them but again would personally stay clear of recommending specific brands.

              I can only suggest you type something up and then PM it to Rampage for consideration


              • #8
                Re: New Player's FAQ

                Originally posted by Sci Fi Steve View Post
                Well I would avoid any sort of bestest posts, as with all previous threads of the type, it is all subjective and down to personnel Playing Style/Taste/Budget.
                You mean the answer is always JG G36c


                • #9
                  Re: New Player's FAQ

                  Originally posted by MajorLandmark View Post
                  Obviously this is the internet, so that is par for the course, but something that could be avoided to an extent with an FAQ with verified/agreed answers.
                  Whilst the agreed information will come from peoples interpretation or the general way issues are dealt with currently is the way the airsoft community do it. For example, painting a IF to a RIF and creating an RIF from parts when the person is under 18, because the law doesn't stipulate the information.

                  When it comes down to it, the Home Office do not always agree with it and as we are a self governing sport/hobby we need to make sure we remain compliant within the law and not use loopholes.

                  In most cases following HO guidance on issues or at best following best practise.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by jagillham View Post
                    You mean the answer is always JG G36c
                    Yeah well it was last week (that is kind of the point)


                    • #11
                      Re: New Player's FAQ

                      @ Cronicle

                      My comment wasn't specifically regarding legal matters. While you are right, our consensus on certain things may in fact not be the correct interpretation of the law, the kind of mistakes I feel an FAQ could help avoid are more regarding use and treatment of kit etc. For instance I am constantly seeing (every time a thread pops up on the topic) people advising new players to discharge their NiMH batteries every now and then to keep them healthy, while in fact this does the opposite. Obviously there is far more confusion about VCRA related business than there is with other topics, but these are the kind of basic factual things that I think it's important for new players to get the right answer on first time.

                      @ Steve

                      I would be happy to write some/the bulk of the initial content (as I'm sure others would), but unfortunately I don't have time to write something to submit to Rampage just to find that the idea is getting scrapped for one reason or another.


                      • #12
                        Re: New Player's FAQ

                        Just my two pence but a certain other forum im on doesnt allow you to post until youve read the new users guide type thing and then if anyone proceeds to ask a question that is answered in the FAQs then he/she is politely directed to it and given (for want of a better word) a warning, if he/she continues to flagrantly disregard this after 3 warnings he/she is then temporarily banned. Might seem a bit harsh but it works! Helps cut down on the clag on the forums and offers all the most commonly asked questions answered in simple laymans terms for people new to the sport and seasoned "pros" to boot.


                        • #13
                          Re: New Player's FAQ

                          That was something I was going to suggest to be honest, but I wasn't sure what sort of reaction it would get, as you're right, it could be seen as rather harsh. My only criticism would be that if many members can't even be bothered to read the forum rules, Im not sure how useful it will be trying to force them to read a new players guide either. I personally dont think its an unreasonable request of new users.


                          • #14
                            Re: New Player's FAQ

                            If it helps i put a few words together a few years ago and produced a brief Airsoft Users Guide for new guys. It focuses mainly on getting into Airsoft, the Law, Rules, Kit, the AEG...stuff like that. Its posted on my team site under Airsoft Manual if your interested, would save alot of extra could just add to it...or i'll do it, been meaning to write an updated second edition, this would be a perfect excuse.

                            "As the Great Warrior poet Ice Cube once said, when the day does not require an AK it is good"


                            • #15
                              Re: New Player's FAQ

                              A few of us are looking to create a decent Airsoft guide.

                              If you seem interested in helping people let me know by PM.


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                              MajorLandmark Find out more about MajorLandmark