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Who watches the watchers?

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  • Who watches the watchers?

    I believe some internet forums can be "over-moderated" and wonder, do the people who choose/are selected to oversee this forum have any accountability?

    I ask that question, as my username has recently been changed (against my wishes) by one of the site 'Police'.

    I personally work in a professional Government body and have registered on a site that deals with issues relating to my work. On that site, my username was the same as it was on here and I have never had any recourse in the 3 years I've been a member on there. I chose my username, as I was involved in a particularly humurous incident (for me and my colleagues anyway) with a violent and refractory individual. He actually selected my chosen 'Moniker' for me, as it were.

    The way I see it, if my username caused offence, why was I not challenged appropriately about it? It seems I have been arbitrarily 'adjudicated' against by someone who didn't like it.

    I understand also that there are people using these forums who are under 16. That said, you can hear much worse said in many a PG rated film. As my username was a contraction of seemingly the foulest words ever typed upon a computer screen, now abbreviated to simply spell "BAMF".

    Changed, I fear, by someone whose name has connotations to violence and destruction (which, in my professional opinion, is far worse than a "swear"). This may have an adverse effect on the very same people they seek to protect.

    Rant over. I'll get my coat.
    There's a scammer operating openly on this forum. Please be aware of who you're dealing with.

  • #2
    Re: Who watches the watchers?

    I believe you where asked to change it, I assume you did not submit a replacement hence it was abbreviated If you are not happy with the abbreviated one then ask for a different User name.


    • #3
      Re: Who watches the watchers?

      I was asked to select another username. However, I wasn't given a clear explanation as to why I should do this at the time. However, I have now had it explained to me that the language I used on this particular thread wasn't suitable for this forum and that I should apply common sense when selecting a username?

      I have the greatest respect for any person that is either chosen or requests to become a site moderator. I know that at times you have to deal with unreasonable people. That said, it is my 'bread and butter' in the real world and I can assure those in control of theses boards that the application of common sense is one of my greatest strengths.

      Another of my strengths is a sense of humour. More people should try that instead, as it makes the world a much better place.

      There's a scammer operating openly on this forum. Please be aware of who you're dealing with.


      • #4
        Re: Who watches the watchers?

        What was your original username?

        It's funny... I made a thread in the feedback section stating that swearing on this board should be censored, and the outcome of it was "most of us are old and mature enough for it".

        Please get in touch if you want general help. Please report problematic posts.

        Take responsibility for your choices. If you break any rule in life, you should be held accountable.


        • #5
          Re: Who watches the watchers?

          Taken to PMs with BAMF


          About the Author


          BAMF Self-proclaimed King of airsoft (No, not THAT guy!), ageing Professional and keyboard warrior! Find out more about BAMF