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Review my ghillie suit!

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  • Review my ghillie suit!

    Hi guys.
    Just thought i'd stick this up here and see if I can get any feedback on my homemade Arktis marpat base ghillie suit. I've had it for around 5 months now, and has been weathered in muddy puddles and all however went up to a small forest nearby yesterday to see how it performs in the summer veg. I placed in random areas then walked back to see if it was noticeable. Of course, in game, no-one will really be seeking out anyone in a suit specifically but I found it performed less well in dark green ivy-like conditions as opposed to long dead grass. My logic behind colour choice was to make it on the autumn colour scheme side then add abundant greens in the summer to adapt. Nevertheless, here are some plain pictures of it in its purest form and can add additional pics in the near future, once I go up to the forest again, so you can make a more accurate judgement on what I meen as opposed to pics in my garden

    Cheers guys and any feedback and room for improvement is much appreciated, doesn't have to be long

  • #2
    Re: Review my ghillie suit!

    I can't see it?

    There's a scammer operating openly on this forum. Please be aware of who you're dealing with.


    • #3
      Re: Review my ghillie suit!

      Ha ha! If only it was that good :p


      • #4
        Re: Review my ghillie suit!

        Good work!
        Remember that any ghillie suit is only a base to attach bits of the environment. Using the base alone in a suitable place (woods, foliage, etc) does have a positive effect on concealment, but they're a hundred times more effective when you take from your surroundings and add to it.
        If you can stitch (or like me, cry a lot and ask a girl to do it), then I recommend adding some elasticated strips beneath the layers of synthetic material, directly onto the base itself. When attached tightly at both ends you can stuff in long grass, brush, leaves, pretty much anything from your hide or when moving into new areas.
        Stitching these strips beneath the burlap/hessian also gives it bulk and a better (less humanoid) profile. You can also use a hot glue gun to to save using needles, which obviously means screaming and swearing trying to thread it... and it works just as well.

        They've been teaching the same method on the sniper cadre for almost 80 years and it's still relevant today.
        If you want pics I can dig some out.

        I especially like the face net!
        Spot on. No hi-caps or face cam needed for you, mucker.
        Make more and sell 'em.
        Last edited by RiflemanLizard; 30 August, 2013, 23:49.


        • #5
          Re: Review my ghillie suit!

          Thanks for the response Lizard! I totally agree and by getting towards the end stages of making the suit, I came to think I put too much artificial strips on without comprehending the natural foliage which will do it more justice when I get in field. However, what the pics do not clearly show is that their are many pre-attached elasticated loops on the base suit to stuff with veg. which is very useful to camouflage in various terrains
          Thanks again for the feedback, good to here from minds alike


          • #6
            Re: Review my ghillie suit!

            Good stuff! I'd say you added a good weight to it. You just have to use thicker pullings and and then prep by pulling the add-ons through the layer
            Unless you get caught having a pee in your ghillie you're usually facing towards the enemy, so add plenty greenery around the shoulders, nape and head. That helps break up your silhouette and body profile as much as possible.
            You picked awesome colours too. Not too light or too dark, so you can make the most of being in near-open areas too.

            Go forth and conquer, inconspicuous bush man.


            About the Author


            Queboo12 Magpul User and Abuser Find out more about Queboo12