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What camo patterns are allowed?

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  • What camo patterns are allowed?

    If you are operating as a PMC or suchlike in Europe?
    Obviously the British, French or German governments wouldn't take kindly to PMCs operating in the former Yugoslavia or Georgia (for example) wearing the camo of those nation's armies. So what camo is it okay for European-based PMCs to wear?


  • #2
    Re: What camo patterns are allowed?


    Generally Private security operatives are not allowed to wear any camoflage pattern, only solid block colour/civies


    • #3
      Re: What camo patterns are allowed?

      This comes up every time theres a merc thread. The camo allowed is based purely on the contract. I've never seen photos of PMC or mercenaries IN europe/eastern europe, but I imagine shooter wouldn't be far off with flat OD, black, or something non-european like US woodland or tigerstripe.


      • #4
        Re: What camo patterns are allowed?

        as far as i know ALL camo adopted by any country is not allowed


        • #5
          Re: What camo patterns are allowed?

          Why would European based PMC's want to wear camo?
          It generally states in contracts no camo. Plain BDU's (black, blue, tan etc) fine but not camo.
          Besides camo looks a bit weird if you are escorting a client to a meeting in town! Usual 5.11 look or suits, depends on environment.

          Didn't we get kicked out of Georgia months ago?

          Originally posted by Savaged Wolf

          Snowdrop - hes quiet but always there ! like a jedi


          • #6
            Re: What camo patterns are allowed?

            Okay thanks.
            I'll rephrase the question then: In the early 1990's there were lots of merceneries fighting for all sides in the Balkans. What did they wear in terms of camo?


            • #7
              Re: What camo patterns are allowed?

              If they were mercenaries fighting for local factions, probably that side's camouflage. Alpenflage was used by KLA I know that much but that's something for you to research.

              Don't confuse mercenaries with PMCs and private security guys. A lot of the latter would resent comparison to the former.


              • #8
                Re: What camo patterns are allowed?

                Well, if you want the Mujahedeen look, big flowing robes, otherwise I reckon a crappy circa 90's addidas tracksuit or bad ass leather jacket.
                What was that film with Owen Wilson as the shot down pilot? That has some good ideas!
                Most of the mercs were apparently Islamic fundamentalists (Bosnia, Chechnya, Iraq), some ex soldiers glory hunting, or proper walter mittys who ended up getting robbed and killed by the side they were supposed to be fighting for.
                Either way, there wasn't really a "look" as you can define by PMC's these days. From what I remember it was pretty disorganised.

                Originally posted by Savaged Wolf

                Snowdrop - hes quiet but always there ! like a jedi


                • #9
                  Re: What camo patterns are allowed?

                  PMCS arent mercs guys, dont be falled they arent all blackwater lol

                  PMCS = Smart, tactical, plain clothes, 5.11 etc polo shirts.
                  Mercs = tiger stripes, desert tiger stripes, and any other camouflage that looks cool! no im kidding lol


                  • #10
                    Re: What camo patterns are allowed?

                    As I'm sure bangyourdead would be happy to explain, there's a world of difference between PMCs,what he does and the guys that fought in the balkans. I'm not even sure why you'd want to do a balkan merc kit but up to you.

                    In behind enemy lines there are serbian military and paramilitaries, no-one who are actually mercenaries.

                    I'd personally go for locally-available kit;

                    Primary: AKM/AK47, G3, maybe an old armalite like an M16A1 or Car-15 type weapon.

                    Sidearm, probably glock, high power or something eastern bloc.

                    Clothes: combination of eastern bloc camouflage and civilian dress, old russian/chi-com/ alice webbing. Balaclava maybe.

                    Edit: Purcy that's pretty much the worst PMC/Mercenary guide ever.


                    • #11
                      Re: What camo patterns are allowed?

                      Originally posted by spetsnazdave87 View Post
                      Edit: Purcy that's pretty much the worst PMC/Mercenary guide ever.
                      I know right im delivering!


                      • #12
                        Re: What camo patterns are allowed?

                        Also you know blackwater aren't mercenaries right.


                        • #13
                          Re: What camo patterns are allowed?

                          Yup but they act like em
                          Oh hur hur this is a good idea lets shoot a load of civilians in thar cars!

                          Actualy id say thats more terrorism that ..mercenary...ism

                          Jeee wizz i know so much right!


                          • #14
                            Re: What camo patterns are allowed?

                            I think I'm never going to be in a position where there's a distinct possibility people are going to shoot at me every day, in a country of people I know hate me, and trying to do a job where if I was to shoot someone it would be a work of 30 seconds to take their gun and equipment off their body and they go from insurgent to 'unarmed civilian'.

                            I don't judge. For all their flaws Blackwater employed by the coalition to do a constructive job. Which was a great improvement on the majority of mercenaries in the balkans.


                            • #15
                              Re: What camo patterns are allowed?

                              Ok thanks.
                              So putting all the discussion about who is and isn't a PMC, mercenery or whatever else (because let's be honest, one person who calls themselves one thing may be called the other by someone else), the general answer is local camo?


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